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namespace plugin\admin\app\common;
use process\Monitor;
use Throwable;
use Illuminate\Database\Connection;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Builder;
use plugin\admin\app\model\Option;
use support\exception\BusinessException;
use support\Db;
use Workerman\Timer;
use Workerman\Worker;
class Util
* 密码哈希
* @param $password
* @param string $algo
* @return false|string|null
public static function passwordHash($password, string $algo = PASSWORD_DEFAULT)
return password_hash($password, $algo);
* 验证密码哈希
* @param string $password
* @param string $hash
* @return bool
public static function passwordVerify(string $password, string $hash): bool
return password_verify($password, $hash);
* 获取webman-admin数据库连接
* @return Connection
public static function db(): Connection
return Db::connection('plugin.admin.mysql');
* 获取SchemaBuilder
* @return Builder
public static function schema(): Builder
return Db::schema('plugin.admin.mysql');
* 获取语义化时间
* @param $time
* @return false|string
public static function humanDate($time)
$timestamp = is_numeric($time) ? $time : strtotime($time);
$dur = time() - $timestamp;
if ($dur < 0) {
return date('Y-m-d', $timestamp);
} else {
if ($dur < 60) {
return $dur . '秒前';
} else {
if ($dur < 3600) {
return floor($dur / 60) . '分钟前';
} else {
if ($dur < 86400) {
return floor($dur / 3600) . '小时前';
} else {
if ($dur < 2592000) { // 30天内
return floor($dur / 86400) . '天前';
} else {
return date('Y-m-d', $timestamp);;
return date('Y-m-d', $timestamp);
* 格式化文件大小
* @param $file_size
* @return string
public static function formatBytes($file_size): string
$size = sprintf("%u", $file_size);
if($size == 0) {
return("0 Bytes");
$size_name = array(" Bytes", " KB", " MB", " GB", " TB", " PB", " EB", " ZB", " YB");
return round($size/pow(1024, ($i = floor(log($size, 1024)))), 2) . $size_name[$i];
* 数据库字符串转义
* @param $var
* @return false|string
public static function pdoQuote($var)
return Util::db()->getPdo()->quote($var);
* 检查表名是否合法
* @param string $table
* @return string
* @throws BusinessException
public static function checkTableName(string $table): string
if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_0-9]+$/', $table)) {
throw new BusinessException('表名不合法');
return $table;
* 变量或数组中的元素只能是字母数字下划线组合
* @param $var
* @return mixed
* @throws BusinessException
public static function filterAlphaNum($var)
$vars = (array)$var;
array_walk_recursive($vars, function ($item) {
if (is_string($item) && !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_0-9]+$/', $item)) {
throw new BusinessException('参数不合法');
return $var;
* 变量或数组中的元素只能是字母数字
* @param $var
* @return mixed
* @throws BusinessException
public static function filterNum($var)
$vars = (array)$var;
array_walk_recursive($vars, function ($item) {
if (is_string($item) && !preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $item)) {
throw new BusinessException('参数不合法');
return $var;
* @desc 检测是否是合法URL Path
* @param $var
* @return string
* @throws BusinessException
public static function filterUrlPath($var): string
if (!is_string($var)) {
throw new BusinessException('参数不合法,地址必须是一个字符串!');
if (strpos($var, 'https://') === 0 || strpos($var, 'http://') === 0) {
if (!filter_var($var, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
throw new BusinessException('参数不合法不是合法的URL地址');
} elseif (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\/&?.]+$/', $var)) {
throw new BusinessException('参数不合法不是合法的Path');
return $var;
* 检测是否是合法Path
* @param $var
* @return string
* @throws BusinessException
public static function filterPath($var): string
if (!is_string($var) || !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\/]+$/', $var)) {
throw new BusinessException('参数不合法');
return $var;
* 类转换为url path
* @param $controller_class
* @return false|string
static function controllerToUrlPath($controller_class)
$key = strtolower($controller_class);
$action = '';
if (strpos($key, '@')) {
[$key, $action] = explode( '@', $key, 2);
$prefix = 'plugin';
$paths = explode('\\', $key);
if (count($paths) < 2) {
return false;
$base = '';
if (strpos($key, "$prefix\\") === 0) {
if (count($paths) < 4) {
return false;
$plugin = array_shift($paths);
$base = "/app/$plugin/";
foreach ($paths as $index => $path) {
if ($path === 'controller') {
$suffix = 'controller';
$code = $base . implode('/', $paths);
if (substr($code, -strlen($suffix)) === $suffix) {
$code = substr($code, 0, -strlen($suffix));
return $action ? "$code/$action" : $code;
* 转换为驼峰
* @param string $value
* @return string
public static function camel(string $value): string
static $cache = [];
$key = $value;
if (isset($cache[$key])) {
return $cache[$key];
$value = ucwords(str_replace(['-', '_'], ' ', $value));
return $cache[$key] = str_replace(' ', '', $value);
* 转换为小驼峰
* @param $value
* @return string
public static function smCamel($value): string
return lcfirst(static::camel($value));
* 获取注释中第一行
* @param $comment
* @return false|mixed|string
public static function getCommentFirstLine($comment)
if ($comment === false) {
return false;
foreach (explode("\n", $comment) as $str) {
if ($s = trim($str, "*/\ \t\n\r\0\x0B")) {
return $s;
return $comment;
* 表单类型到插件的映射
* @return \string[][]
public static function methodControlMap(): array
return [
'integer' => ['InputNumber'],
'string' => ['Input'],
'text' => ['TextArea'],
'date' => ['DatePicker'],
'enum' => ['Select'],
'float' => ['Input'],
'tinyInteger' => ['InputNumber'],
'smallInteger' => ['InputNumber'],
'mediumInteger' => ['InputNumber'],
'bigInteger' => ['InputNumber'],
'unsignedInteger' => ['InputNumber'],
'unsignedTinyInteger' => ['InputNumber'],
'unsignedSmallInteger' => ['InputNumber'],
'unsignedMediumInteger' => ['InputNumber'],
'unsignedBigInteger' => ['InputNumber'],
'decimal' => ['Input'],
'double' => ['Input'],
'mediumText' => ['TextArea'],
'longText' => ['TextArea'],
'dateTime' => ['DateTimePicker'],
'time' => ['DateTimePicker'],
'timestamp' => ['DateTimePicker'],
'char' => ['Input'],
'binary' => ['Input'],
'json' => ['input']
* 数据库类型到插件的转换
* @param $type
* @return string
public static function typeToControl($type): string
if (stripos($type, 'int') !== false) {
return 'inputNumber';
if (stripos($type, 'time') !== false || stripos($type, 'date') !== false) {
return 'dateTimePicker';
if (stripos($type, 'text') !== false) {
return 'textArea';
if ($type === 'enum') {
return 'select';
return 'input';
* 数据库类型到表单类型的转换
* @param $type
* @param $unsigned
* @return string
public static function typeToMethod($type, $unsigned = false)
if (stripos($type, 'int') !== false) {
$type = str_replace('int', 'Integer', $type);
return $unsigned ? "unsigned" . ucfirst($type) : lcfirst($type);
$map = [
'int' => 'integer',
'varchar' => 'string',
'mediumtext' => 'mediumText',
'longtext' => 'longText',
'datetime' => 'dateTime',
return $map[$type] ?? $type;
* 按表获取摘要
* @param $table
* @param null $section
* @return array|mixed
* @throws BusinessException
public static function getSchema($table, $section = null)
$database = config('database.connections')['plugin.admin.mysql']['database'];
$schema_raw = $section !== 'table' ? Util::db()->select("select * from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA = '$database' and table_name = '$table' order by ORDINAL_POSITION") : [];
$forms = [];
$columns = [];
foreach ($schema_raw as $item) {
$field = $item->COLUMN_NAME;
$columns[$field] = [
'field' => $field,
'type' => Util::typeToMethod($item->DATA_TYPE, (bool)strpos($item->COLUMN_TYPE, 'unsigned')),
'comment' => $item->COLUMN_COMMENT,
'default' => $item->COLUMN_DEFAULT,
'length' => static::getLengthValue($item),
'nullable' => $item->IS_NULLABLE !== 'NO',
'primary_key' => $item->COLUMN_KEY === 'PRI',
'auto_increment' => strpos($item->EXTRA, 'auto_increment') !== false
$forms[$field] = [
'field' => $field,
'comment' => $item->COLUMN_COMMENT,
'control' => static::typeToControl($item->DATA_TYPE),
'form_show' => $item->COLUMN_KEY !== 'PRI',
'list_show' => true,
'enable_sort' => false,
'searchable' => false,
'search_type' => 'normal',
'control_args' => '',
$table_schema = $section == 'table' || !$section ? Util::db()->select("SELECT TABLE_COMMENT FROM information_schema.`TABLES` WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='$database' and TABLE_NAME='$table'") : [];
$indexes = !$section || in_array($section, ['keys', 'table']) ? Util::db()->select("SHOW INDEX FROM `$table`") : [];
$keys = [];
$primary_key = [];
foreach ($indexes as $index) {
$key_name = $index->Key_name;
if ($key_name == 'PRIMARY') {
$primary_key[] = $index->Column_name;
if (!isset($keys[$key_name])) {
$keys[$key_name] = [
'name' => $key_name,
'columns' => [],
'type' => $index->Non_unique == 0 ? 'unique' : 'normal'
$keys[$key_name]['columns'][] = $index->Column_name;
$data = [
'table' => ['name' => $table, 'comment' => $table_schema[0]->TABLE_COMMENT ?? '', 'primary_key' => $primary_key],
'columns' => $columns,
'forms' => $forms,
'keys' => array_reverse($keys, true)
$schema = Option::where('name', "table_form_schema_$table")->value('value');
$form_schema_map = $schema ? json_decode($schema, true) : [];
foreach ($data['forms'] as $field => $item) {
if (isset($form_schema_map[$field])) {
$data['forms'][$field] = $form_schema_map[$field];
return $section ? $data[$section] : $data;
* 获取字段长度或默认值
* @param $schema
* @return mixed|string
public static function getLengthValue($schema)
$type = $schema->DATA_TYPE;
if (in_array($type, ['float', 'decimal', 'double'])) {
return "{$schema->NUMERIC_PRECISION},{$schema->NUMERIC_SCALE}";
if ($type === 'enum') {
return implode(',', array_map(function($item){
return trim($item, "'");
}, explode(',', substr($schema->COLUMN_TYPE, 5, -1))));
if (in_array($type, ['varchar', 'text', 'char'])) {
if (in_array($type, ['time', 'datetime', 'timestamp'])) {
return '';
* 获取控件参数
* @param $control
* @param $control_args
* @return array
public static function getControlProps($control, $control_args): array
if (!$control_args) {
return [];
$control = strtolower($control);
$props = [];
$split = explode(';', $control_args);
foreach ($split as $item) {
$pos = strpos($item, ':');
if ($pos === false) {
$name = trim(substr($item, 0, $pos));
$values = trim(substr($item, $pos + 1));
// values = a:v,c:d
$pos = strpos($values, ':');
if ($pos !== false && strpos($values, "#") !== 0) {
$options = explode(',', $values);
$values = [];
foreach ($options as $option) {
[$v, $n] = explode(':', $option);
if (in_array($control, ['select', 'selectmulti', 'treeselect', 'treemultiselect']) && $name == 'data') {
$values[] = ['value' => $v, 'name' => $n];
} else {
$values[$v] = $n;
$props[$name] = $values;
return $props;
* 获取某个composer包的版本
* @param string $package
* @return mixed|string
public static function getPackageVersion(string $package)
$installed_php = base_path('vendor/composer/installed.php');
if (is_file($installed_php)) {
$packages = include $installed_php;
return substr($packages['versions'][$package]['version'] ?? 'unknown ', 0, -2);
* Reload webman
* @return bool
public static function reloadWebman()
if (function_exists('posix_kill')) {
try {
posix_kill(posix_getppid(), SIGUSR1);
return true;
} catch (Throwable $e) {}
} else {
Timer::add(1, function () {
return false;
* Pause file monitor
* @return void
public static function pauseFileMonitor()
if (method_exists(Monitor::class, 'pause')) {
* Resume file monitor
* @return void
public static function resumeFileMonitor()
if (method_exists(Monitor::class, 'resume')) {