572 lines
18 KiB
572 lines
18 KiB
layui.define(['table', 'jquery', 'element'], function (exports) {
"use strict";
var MOD_NAME = 'menu',
$ = layui.jquery,
element = layui.element;
var pearMenu = function (opt) {
this.option = opt;
pearMenu.prototype.render = function (opt) {
var option = {
elem: opt.elem,
async: opt.async,
parseData: opt.parseData,
url: opt.url,
method: opt.method ? opt.method : "GET",
defaultOpen: opt.defaultOpen,
defaultSelect: opt.defaultSelect,
control: opt.control,
controlWidth: opt.controlWidth ? opt.controlWidth : "auto",
defaultMenu: opt.defaultMenu,
accordion: opt.accordion,
height: opt.height,
theme: opt.theme,
data: opt.data ? opt.data : [],
change: opt.change ? opt.change : function () { },
done: opt.done ? opt.done : function () { }
var tempDone = option.done;
option.done = function(){
if (option.control) {
if (option.async) {
if (option.method === "GET") {
getData(option.url).then(function (data) {
option.data = data.data; //变更
} else {
postData(option.url).then(function (data) {
option.data = data.data; //变更
} else {
// 延时返回,和 javascript 执行时序关联
window.setTimeout(function () { renderMenu(option); }, 500);
// 处理高度
$("#" + opt.elem).height(option.height)
setTimeout(function () {
$("#" + opt.control + " .control").on("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll", function (event) {
var delta = (event.originalEvent.wheelDelta && (event.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0 ? 1 : -1)) || // chrome & ie
(event.originalEvent.detail && (event.originalEvent.detail > 0 ? -1 : 1)); // firefox
if (delta > 0) {
for (var num = 1; num < 20; num++) {
setTimeout(function () {
if ($("#" + opt.control + " .control ul").css('left').replace("px", "") < 0) {
$("#" + opt.control + " .control ul").css("left", "+=2px");
}, 10)
} else if (delta < 0) {
if (((Number)($("#" + opt.control + " .control ul").css("left").replace("px", "")) + ($("#" + opt.control + " .control ul").width() - $("#" + opt.control + " .control").width())) > 0) {
for (var num = 1; num < 20; num++) {
setTimeout(function () {
$("#" + opt.control + " .control ul").css("left", "-=2px");
}, 10)
}, 1000)
return new pearMenu(option);
pearMenu.prototype.click = function (clickEvent) {
var _this = this;
$("body").on("click", "#" + _this.option.elem + " .site-demo-active", function () {
var dom = $(this);
var data = {
menuId: dom.attr("menu-id"),
menuTitle: dom.attr("menu-title"),
menuPath: dom.attr("menu-title"),
menuIcon: dom.attr("menu-icon"),
menuUrl: dom.attr("menu-url"),
openType: dom.attr("open-type")
var doms = hash(dom);
if (doms != null) {
if (doms.text() != '') {
data['menuPath'] = doms.find("span").text() + " / " + data['menuPath'];
if (doms != null) {
var domss = hash(doms);
if (domss != null) {
if (domss.text() != '') {
data['menuPath'] = domss.find("span").text() + " / " + data['menuPath'];
if (domss != null) {
var domsss = hash(domss);
if (domsss != null) {
if (domsss.text() != '') {
data['menuPath'] = domsss.find("span").text() + " / " + data['menuPath'];
if ($("#" + _this.option.elem).is(".pear-nav-mini")) {
if (_this.option.accordion) {
activeMenus = $(this).parent().parent().parent().children("a");
} else {
clickEvent(dom, data);
function hash(dom) {
var d = dom.parent().parent().prev();
if (d.prop("tagName") === "UL") {
return null;
return d;
pearMenu.prototype.skin = function (skin) {
var menu = $(".pear-nav-tree[lay-filter='" + this.option.elem + "']").parent();
pearMenu.prototype.selectItem = function (pearId) {
if (this.option.control != false) {
$("#" + this.option.elem + " a[menu-id='" + pearId + "']").parents(".layui-side-scroll ").find("ul").css({
display: "none"
$("#" + this.option.elem + " a[menu-id='" + pearId + "']").parents(".layui-side-scroll ").find(".layui-this").removeClass(
$("#" + this.option.elem + " a[menu-id='" + pearId + "']").parents("ul").css({
display: "block"
var controlId = $("#" + this.option.elem + " a[menu-id='" + pearId + "']").parents("ul").attr("pear-id");
if (controlId != undefined) {
$("#" + this.option.control).find(".layui-this").removeClass("layui-this");
$("#" + this.option.control).find("[pear-id='" + controlId + "']").addClass("layui-this");
$("#" + this.option.elem + " a[menu-id='" + pearId + "']").parents(".pear-nav-tree").find(".layui-this").removeClass(
if (!$("#" + this.option.elem).is(".pear-nav-mini")) {
var openEle = null;
var openEleHeight = 0;
$($("#" + this.option.elem + " a[menu-id='" + pearId + "']").parents('.layui-nav-child').get().reverse()).each(function () {
if (!$(this).parent().is('.layui-nav-itemed')) {
if (openEleHeight == 0) {
openEle = $(this);
} else {
height: 'auto',
openEleHeight += $(this).children("dd").length * 48;
if (this.option.accordion) {
if (openEleHeight > 0) {
var currentDom = openEle.parent().siblings('.layui-nav-itemed').children(".layui-nav-child");
height: "0px"
}, 240, function () {
height: "auto"
if (openEleHeight > 0) {
height: openEleHeight + "px"
}, 240, function () {
$(this).css({ height: 'auto' });
$("#" + this.option.elem + " a[menu-id='" + pearId + "']").parent().addClass("layui-this");
var activeMenus;
pearMenu.prototype.collapse = function (time) {
var elem = this.option.elem;
var config = this.option;
if ($("#" + this.option.elem).is(".pear-nav-mini")) {
$.each(activeMenus, function (i, item) {
$("#" + elem + " a[menu-id='" + $(this).attr("menu-id") + "']").parent().addClass("layui-nav-itemed");
$("#" + this.option.elem).removeClass("pear-nav-mini");
$("#" + this.option.elem).animate({
width: "220px"
}, 180);
isHoverMenu(false, config);
var that = this;
$("#" + this.option.elem)
.done(function () {
if (that.option.control) {
} else {
activeMenus = $("#" + this.option.elem).find(".layui-nav-itemed>a");
$("#" + this.option.elem).find(".layui-nav-itemed").removeClass("layui-nav-itemed");
$("#" + this.option.elem).addClass("pear-nav-mini");
$("#" + this.option.elem).animate({
width: "60px"
}, 400);
var that = this;
$("#" + this.option.elem)
.done(function () {
isHoverMenu(true, config);
if (that.option.control) {
function getData(url) {
var defer = $.Deferred();
var symbol = url.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? '&' : '?';
$.get(url + symbol + "fresh=" + Math.random(), function (result) {
return defer.promise();
function postData(url) {
var defer = $.Deferred();
var symbol = url.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? '&' : '?';
$.post(url + symbol + "fresh=" + Math.random(), function (result) {
}, "json");
return defer.promise();
function renderMenu(option) {
if (option.parseData != false) {
if (option.data.length > 0) {
if (option.control != false) {
} else {
function createMenu(option) {
var menuHtml = '<div style="height:100%!important;" class="pear-side-scroll layui-side-scroll ' + option.theme + '"><ul lay-filter="' + option.elem +
'" class="layui-nav arrow pear-menu layui-nav-tree pear-nav-tree">'
$.each(option.data, function (i, item) {
var content = '<li class="layui-nav-item" >';
if (i == option.defaultOpen) {
content = '<li class="layui-nav-item layui-nav-itemed" >';
var href = "javascript:;";
var target = "";
var className = "site-demo-active"
if (item.openType == "_blank" && item.type == 1) {
href = item.href;
target = "target='_blank'";
className = "";
if (item.type == 0) {
// 创 建 目 录 结 构
content += '<a href="javascript:;" menu-type="' + item.type + '" menu-id="' + item.id + '" href="' + href +
'" ' + target + '><i class="' + item.icon + '"></i><span>' + item.title +
} else if (item.type == 1) {
content += '<a class="' + className + '" menu-type="' + item.type + '" menu-url="' + item.href + '" menu-id="' +
item.id +
'" menu-title="' + item.title + '" href="' + href + '" ' + target + '><i class="' + item.icon +
'"></i><span>' + item.title + '</span></a>';
// 调 用 递 归 方 法 加 载 无 限 层 级 的 子 菜 单
content += loadchild(item);
// 结 束 一 个 根 菜 单 项
content += '</li>';
menuHtml += content;
// 结 束 菜 单 结 构 的 初 始 化
menuHtml += "</ul></div>";
// 将 菜 单 拼 接 到 初 始 化 容 器 中
$("#" + option.elem).html(menuHtml);
function createMenuAndControl(option) {
var control = '<div style="white-space: nowrap;overflow-x: scroll;overflow: hidden;" class="control"><ul class="layui-nav pear-nav-control pc layui-hide-xs" style="width: fit-content;">';
var controlPe = '<ul class="layui-nav pear-nav-control layui-hide-sm">';
// 声 明 头 部
var menu = '<div class="layui-side-scroll ' + option.theme + '">'
// 开 启 同 步 操 作
var index = 0;
var controlItemPe = '<dl class="layui-nav-child">';
$.each(option.data, function (i, item) {
var menuItem = '';
var controlItem = '';
if (i === option.defaultMenu) {
controlItem = '<li pear-href="' + item.href + '" pear-title="' + item.title + '" pear-id="' + item.id +
'" class="layui-this layui-nav-item"><a href="#">' + item.title + '</a></li>';
menuItem = '<ul pear-id="' + item.id + '" lay-filter="' + option.elem +
'" class="layui-nav arrow layui-nav-tree pear-nav-tree">';
controlPe += '<li class="layui-nav-item"><a class="pe-title" href="javascript:;" >' + item.title + '</a>';
controlItemPe += '<dd pear-href="' + item.href + '" pear-title="' + item.title + '" pear-id="' + item.id +
'"><a href="javascript:void(0);">' + item.title + '</a></dd>';
} else {
controlItem = '<li pear-href="' + item.href + '" pear-title="' + item.title + '" pear-id="' + item.id +
'" class="layui-nav-item"><a href="#">' + item.title + '</a></li>';
menuItem = '<ul style="display:none" pear-id="' + item.id + '" lay-filter="' + option.elem +
'" class="layui-nav arrow layui-nav-tree pear-nav-tree">';
controlItemPe += '<dd pear-href="' + item.href + '" pear-title="' + item.title + '" pear-id="' + item.id +
'"><a href="javascript:void(0);">' + item.title + '</a></dd>';
$.each(item.children, function (i, note) {
// 创 建 每 一 个 菜 单 项
var content = '<li class="layui-nav-item" >';
var href = "javascript:;";
var target = "";
var className = "site-demo-active";
if (note.openType == "_blank" && note.type == 1) {
href = note.href;
target = "target='_blank'";
className = "";
// 判 断 菜 单 类 型 0 是 不可跳转的目录 1 是 可 点 击 跳 转 的 菜 单
if (note.type == 0) {
// 创 建 目 录 结 构
content += '<a href="' + href + '" ' + target + ' menu-type="' + note.type + '" menu-id="' + note.id +
'" ><i class="' + note.icon + '"></i><span>' + note.title +
} else if (note.type == 1) {
// 创 建 菜 单 结 构
content += '<a ' + target + ' class="' + className + '" menu-type="' + note.type + '" menu-url="' + note.href +
'" menu-id="' + note.id +
'" menu-title="' + note.title + '" href="' + href + '"><i class="' + note.icon +
'"></i><span>' + note.title + '</span></a>';
content += loadchild(note);
content += '</li>';
menuItem += content;
menu += menuItem + '</ul>';
control += controlItem;
controlItemPe += "</li></dl></ul>"
controlPe += controlItemPe;
$("#" + option.control).html(control + "</div>");
$("#" + option.control).append(controlPe);
$("#" + option.elem).html(menu);
$("#" + option.control + " .pear-nav-control").on("click", "[pear-id]", function () {
$("#" + option.elem).find(".pear-nav-tree").css({
display: 'none'
$("#" + option.elem).find(".pear-nav-tree[pear-id='" + $(this).attr("pear-id") + "']").css({
display: 'block'
$("#" + option.control).find(".pe-title").html($(this).attr("pear-title"));
$("#" + option.control).find("")
option.change($(this).attr("pear-id"), $(this).attr("pear-title"), $(this).attr("pear-href"))
/** 加载子菜单 (递归)*/
function loadchild(obj) {
// 判 单 是 否 是 菜 单, 如 果 是 菜 单 直 接 返 回
if (obj.type == 1) {
return "";
// 创 建 子 菜 单 结 构
var content = '<dl class="layui-nav-child">';
// 如 果 嵌 套 不 等 于 空
if (obj.children != null && obj.children.length > 0) {
// 遍 历 子 项 目
$.each(obj.children, function (i, note) {
// 创 建 子 项 结 构
content += '<dd>';
var href = "javascript:;";
var target = "";
var className = "site-demo-active";
if (note.openType == "_blank" && note.type == 1) {
href = note.href;
target = "target='_blank'";
className = "";
// 判 断 子 项 类 型
if (note.type == 0) {
// 创 建 目 录 结 构
content += '<a ' + target + ' href="' + href + '" menu-type="' + note.type + '" menu-id="' + note.id +
'"><i class="' + note.icon + '"></i><span>' + note.title + '</span></a>';
} else if (note.type == 1) {
// 创 建 菜 单 结 构
content += '<a ' + target + ' class="' + className + '" menu-type="' + note.type + '" menu-url="' + note.href +
'" menu-id="' + note.id + '" menu-title="' + note.title + '" menu-icon="' + note.icon + '" href="' + href +
'" ><i class="' + note.icon + '"></i><span>' + note.title + '</span></a>';
// 加 载 子 项 目 录
content += loadchild(note);
// 结 束 当 前 子 菜 单
content += '</dd>';
// 封 装
} else {
content += '<dd style="background-color: transparent!important;"><a style="background-color: transparent!important;margin-left: 26px">目录为空</a></dd>';
content += '</dl>';
return content;
function downShow(option) {
$("body #" + option.elem).on("click", "a[menu-type='0']", function () {
if (!$("#" + option.elem).is(".pear-nav-mini")) {
var superEle = $(this).parent();
var ele = $(this).next('.layui-nav-child');
var heights = ele.children("dd").length * 48;
if ($(this).parent().is(".layui-nav-itemed")) {
if (option.accordion) {
var currentDom = $(this).parent().siblings('.layui-nav-itemed').children('.layui-nav-child');
height: '0px'
}, 240, function () {
height: "auto",
height: heights + "px"
}, 240, function () {
height: "auto"
} else {
height: "0px"
}, 240, function () {
height: "auto"
/** 二 级 悬 浮 菜 单*/
function isHoverMenu(b, option) {
if (b) {
var navItem = "#" + option.elem + ".pear-nav-mini .layui-nav-item";
var navChildDl = navItem + " .layui-nav-child>dl";
var navChildDd = navItem + " .layui-nav-child>dd";
$(navItem + "," + navChildDd).mouseenter(function () {
var _this = $(this);
left: 0,
top: 0
var height = $(window).height();
var topLength = _this.offset().top;
var thisHeight = _this.children(".layui-nav-child").height();
if ((thisHeight + topLength) > height) {
topLength = height - thisHeight - 10;
var left = _this.offset().left + 60;
if (!_this.hasClass("layui-nav-item")) {
left = _this.offset().left + _this.width();
top: topLength,
left: left
$(navItem + "," + navChildDl).mouseleave(function () {
var _this = $(this);
left: 0,
top: 0
} else {
$("#" + option.elem + " .layui-nav-item").off('mouseenter').unbind('mouseleave');
$("#" + option.elem + " dd").off('mouseenter').unbind('mouseleave');
function rationalizeHeaderControlWidth(option) {
var $headerControl = $("#" + option.control);
var $nextEl = $headerControl.next();
var rationalizeWidth;
if ($nextEl.length) {
rationalizeWidth = $nextEl.position().left - $headerControl.position().left;
} else {
rationalizeWidth = $headerControl.parent().innerWidth() - $headerControl.position().left;
if (option.controlWidth && rationalizeWidth >= option.controlWidth) {
rationalizeWidth = option.controlWidth;
$("#" + option.control + " .control").css({ "width": rationalizeWidth, "transition": "width .15s" });
function rationalizeHeaderControlWidthAuto(option){
$(window).on('resize', function () {
$(document).ready(function () {
exports(MOD_NAME, new pearMenu());