/* empty css */ /* empty css */ /* empty css */ import { bw as e, H as t, a1 as i, a0 as a, K as s, I as l, bx as n, c as o, w as c, ad as r, v as u, Q as v, J as d, j as p, aD as m, ag as f, aQ as g, a6 as x, bj as y, a9 as b, by as h, bz as _, aE as k, aP as w, aF as C, _ as E, a as V, u as z, g as P, aC as T, e as $, f as S, h as I, i as U, t as F, p as A, y as B, F as j, r as D, as as N, at as O, bA as H, bB as Z, bC as M, bD as Y, bE as G, o as X, m as J, az as Q, bF as K, G as L, bG as W, z as q, C as R, P as ee, } from "./index-476be0bb.js"; import { _ as te, a as ie, b as ae, c as se, d as le, } from "./vip16-d05d7908.js"; import { a as ne } from "./api.mine-40f950d7.js"; import { B as oe } from "./index-97676c1f.js"; import "./use-route-126c4f06.js"; const [ce, re] = t("count-down"); const ue = v( l({ name: ce, props: { time: i(0), format: a("HH:mm:ss"), autoStart: s, millisecond: Boolean, }, emits: ["change", "finish"], setup(t, { emit: i, slots: a }) { const { start: s, pause: l, reset: v, current: d, } = n({ time: +t.time, millisecond: t.millisecond, onChange: (e) => i("change", e), onFinish: () => i("finish"), }), p = o(() => (function (t, i) { const { days: a } = i; let { hours: s, minutes: l, seconds: n, milliseconds: o } = i; if ( (t.includes("DD") ? (t = t.replace("DD", e(a))) : (s += 24 * a), t.includes("HH") ? (t = t.replace("HH", e(s))) : (l += 60 * s), t.includes("mm") ? (t = t.replace("mm", e(l))) : (n += 60 * l), t.includes("ss") ? (t = t.replace("ss", e(n))) : (o += 1e3 * n), t.includes("S")) ) { const i = e(o, 3); t = t.includes("SSS") ? t.replace("SSS", i) : t.includes("SS") ? t.replace("SS", i.slice(0, 2)) : t.replace("S", i.charAt(0)); } return t; })(t.format, d.value) ), m = () => { v(+t.time), t.autoStart && s(); }; return ( c(() => t.time, m, { immediate: !0 }), r({ start: s, pause: l, reset: m }), () => u("div", { role: "timer", class: re() }, [ a.default ? a.default(d.value) : p.value, ]) ); }, }) ), [ve, de] = t("slider"); const pe = v( l({ name: ve, props: { min: i(0), max: i(100), step: i(1), range: Boolean, reverse: Boolean, disabled: Boolean, readonly: Boolean, vertical: Boolean, barHeight: d, buttonSize: d, activeColor: String, inactiveColor: String, modelValue: { type: [Number, Array], default: 0 }, }, emits: ["change", "dragEnd", "dragStart", "update:modelValue"], setup(e, { emit: t, slots: i }) { let a, s, l; const n = p(), c = [p(), p()], r = p(), v = m(), d = o(() => Number(e.max) - Number(e.min)), E = o(() => { const t = e.vertical ? "width" : "height"; return { background: e.inactiveColor, [t]: f(e.barHeight) }; }), V = (t) => e.range && Array.isArray(t), z = () => { const { modelValue: t, min: i } = e; return V(t) ? "".concat((100 * (t[1] - t[0])) / d.value, "%") : "".concat((100 * (t - Number(i))) / d.value, "%"); }, P = o(() => { const t = e.vertical ? "height" : "width", i = { [t]: z(), background: e.activeColor }; r.value && (i.transition = "none"); return ( (i[ e.vertical ? e.reverse ? "bottom" : "top" : e.reverse ? "right" : "left" ] = (() => { const { modelValue: t, min: i } = e; return V(t) ? "".concat((100 * (t[0] - Number(i))) / d.value, "%") : "0%"; })()), i ); }), T = (t) => { const i = +e.min, a = +e.max, s = +e.step; t = C(t, i, a); const l = Math.round((t - i) / s) * s; return _(i, l); }, $ = () => { const t = e.modelValue; l = V(t) ? t.map(T) : T(t); }, S = (i, a) => { (i = V(i) ? ((t) => { var i, a; const s = null != (i = t[0]) ? i : Number(e.min), l = null != (a = t[1]) ? a : Number(e.max); return s > l ? [l, s] : [s, l]; })(i).map(T) : T(i)), y(i, e.modelValue) || t("update:modelValue", i), a && !y(i, l) && t("change", i); }, I = (t) => { if ((t.stopPropagation(), e.disabled || e.readonly)) return; $(); const { min: i, reverse: a, vertical: s, modelValue: l } = e, o = b(n), c = s ? o.height : o.width, r = Number(i) + ((s ? a ? o.bottom - t.clientY : t.clientY - o.top : a ? o.right - t.clientX : t.clientX - o.left) / c) * d.value; if (V(l)) { const [e, t] = l; S(r <= (e + t) / 2 ? [r, t] : [e, r], !0); } else S(r, !0); }, U = (i) => { if (e.disabled || e.readonly) return; "start" === r.value && t("dragStart", i), k(i, !0), v.move(i), (r.value = "dragging"); const o = b(n); let c = ((e.vertical ? v.deltaY.value : v.deltaX.value) / (e.vertical ? o.height : o.width)) * d.value; if ((e.reverse && (c = -c), V(l))) { const t = e.reverse ? 1 - a : a; s[t] = l[t] + c; } else s = l + c; S(s); }, F = (i) => { e.disabled || e.readonly || ("dragging" === r.value && (S(s, !0), t("dragEnd", i)), (r.value = "")); }, A = (t) => { if ("number" == typeof t) { return de("button-wrapper", ["left", "right"][t]); } return de("button-wrapper", e.reverse ? "left" : "right"); }, B = (t, l) => { const n = "dragging" === r.value; if ("number" == typeof l) { const e = i[0 === l ? "left-button" : "right-button"]; let o; if ((n && Array.isArray(s) && (o = s[0] > s[1] ? 1 ^ a : a), e)) return e({ value: t, dragging: n, dragIndex: o }); } return i.button ? i.button({ value: t, dragging: n }) : u("div", { class: de("button"), style: w(e.buttonSize) }, null); }, j = (t) => { const i = "number" == typeof t ? e.modelValue[t] : e.modelValue; return u( "div", { ref: c[null != t ? t : 0], role: "slider", class: A(t), tabindex: e.disabled ? void 0 : 0, "aria-valuemin": e.min, "aria-valuenow": i, "aria-valuemax": e.max, "aria-disabled": e.disabled || void 0, "aria-readonly": e.readonly || void 0, "aria-orientation": e.vertical ? "vertical" : "horizontal", onTouchstartPassive: (i) => { "number" == typeof t && (a = t), ((t) => { e.disabled || e.readonly || (v.start(t), (s = e.modelValue), $(), (r.value = "start")); })(i); }, onTouchend: F, onTouchcancel: F, onClick: h, }, [B(i, t)] ); }; return ( S(e.modelValue), g(() => e.modelValue), c.forEach((e) => { x("touchmove", U, { target: e }); }), () => u( "div", { ref: n, style: E.value, class: de({ vertical: e.vertical, disabled: e.disabled }), onClick: I, }, [ u("div", { class: de("bar"), style: P.value }, [ e.range ? [j(0), j(1)] : j(), ]), ] ) ); }, }) ); function me(e) { const t = new Date(), i = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-GB", { timeZone: e, hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", second: "2-digit", }).format(t), a = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-GB", { timeZone: e, timeZoneName: "long" }) .formatToParts(t) .find((e) => "timeZoneName" === e.type).value, s = a.includes("Daylight") || a.includes("Summer"); return { time: i, timeZoneName: a, utcOffset: "", currentPeriod: s ? "夏令时" : "标准时间", }; } const fe = function () { const e = me("Asia/Shanghai"); e.utcOffset = "UTC+8"; const t = me("Europe/London"); t.utcOffset = "夏令时" === t.currentPeriod ? "UTC+1" : "UTC+0"; const i = me("America/New_York"); i.utcOffset = "夏令时" === i.currentPeriod ? "UTC-4" : "UTC-5"; const a = me("Asia/Tokyo"); a.utcOffset = "UTC+9"; const s = me("Europe/Paris"); s.utcOffset = "夏令时" === s.currentPeriod ? "UTC+2" : "UTC+1"; const l = me("Australia/Sydney"); l.utcOffset = "夏令时" === l.currentPeriod ? "UTC+11" : "UTC+10"; const n = me("Asia/Jakarta"); n.utcOffset = "UTC+7"; const o = me("Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh"); o.utcOffset = "UTC+7"; const c = me("Europe/Warsaw"); c.utcOffset = "夏令时" === c.currentPeriod ? "UTC+2" : "UTC+1"; const r = me("America/Chicago"); r.utcOffset = "夏令时" === r.currentPeriod ? "UTC-5" : "UTC-6"; const u = me("America/Mexico_City"); return ( (u.utcOffset = "夏令时" === u.currentPeriod ? "UTC-5" : "UTC-6"), { beijing: e, london: t, newYork: i, tokyo: a, paris: s, sydney: l, jakarta: n, HanoiVietnam: o, warsaw: c, houston: r, Mexico: u, } ); }, ge = { class: "relative" }, xe = { class: "p-10" }, ye = { class: "vipbg p-10 relative text-#fff text-14" }, be = { class: "flex" }, he = { class: "flex" }, _e = { key: 0, class: "h-30 relative bottom-5 z-10", src: te }, ke = { key: 1, class: "h-30 relative bottom-5 z-10", src: ie }, we = { key: 2, class: "h-30 relative bottom-5 z-10", src: ae }, Ce = { key: 3, class: "h-30 relative bottom-5 z-10", src: se }, Ee = { key: 4, class: "h-30 relative bottom-5 z-10", src: le }, Ve = { class: "bg-#767c83 text-#fff lh-20 h-20 px-10 rounded-5 relative right-12 z-0", }, ze = { class: "pt-3" }, Pe = { class: "flex mt-10" }, Te = { class: "flex-1 pt-8" }, $e = { class: "flex ml-2" }, Se = { key: 0, class: "h-30 relative bottom-5 z-10", src: ie }, Ie = { key: 1, class: "h-30 relative bottom-5 z-10", src: ae }, Ue = { key: 2, class: "h-30 relative bottom-5 z-10", src: se }, Fe = { key: 3, class: "h-30 relative bottom-5 z-10", src: le }, Ae = { class: "bg-#767c83 text-#fff lh-20 h-20 px-10 rounded-5 relative right-12 z-0", }, Be = { class: "h-26 lh-26" }, je = { class: "mr-10" }, De = { class: "mt-10 pb-5" }, Ne = { class: "text-#EF6E3E" }, Oe = { class: "mt-3 text-18", style: { "font-family": "monospace" } }, He = { class: "text-13" }, Ze = { class: "pt-5" }, Me = { class: "pb-5" }, Ye = { class: "rounded-5 my-5 titles text-12 h-40 lh-40" }, Ge = { class: "inline-block w-25% text-center", style: { "vertical-align": "middle" }, }, Xe = { class: "inline-block w-25% text-center", style: { "vertical-align": "middle" }, }, Je = { class: "inline-block w-25% text-center", style: { "vertical-align": "middle" }, }, Qe = { class: "inline-block w-25% text-center", style: { "vertical-align": "middle" }, }, Ke = { class: "flex" }, Le = { class: "flex-1 text-center" }, We = { class: "flex ml-2" }, qe = ["src"], Re = { class: "bg-#017DE8 text-#fff lh-20 h-20 w-40 rounded-5 relative right-12 z-0", }, et = { key: 0, class: "flex-1 text-center pt-3" }, tt = { key: 1, class: "flex-1 text-center pt-3" }, it = { class: "flex-1 text-center pt-3 text-#EF6E3E" }, at = { class: "flex-1 text-center text-13 relative bottom-3" }, st = { key: 0, class: "text-center text-12 text-#999 absolute bottom-0 right-80", }, lt = { class: "absolute z-999 w-full h-full top-0 left-0", style: { background: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)", "overflow-y": "hidden" }, }, nt = { class: "absolute top-100", style: { width: "94%", left: "3%" } }, ot = { class: "bg-#fff p-10 rounded-5" }, ct = { style: { "font-family": "monospace" } }, rt = { class: "rounded-5 flex mt-10 titles text-12" }, ut = { class: "flex-1 text-center h-40 lh-40" }, vt = { class: "flex-1 text-center h-40 lh-40" }, dt = { class: "flex-1 text-center h-40 lh-40" }, pt = { class: "flex-1 text-center h-40 lh-40" }, mt = { class: "flex" }, ft = { class: "flex-1 text-center" }, gt = { class: "flex ml-2" }, xt = ["src"], yt = { class: "bg-#017DE8 text-14 text-#fff lh-20 h-20 w-55 rounded-5 relative right-12 z-0", }, bt = { key: 0, class: "flex-1 text-center pt-3" }, ht = { key: 1, class: "flex-1 text-center pt-3" }, _t = { class: "flex-1 text-center pt-3 text-#EF6E3E" }, kt = { class: "flex-1 text-center" }, wt = { class: "text-#EF6E3E text-13" }, Ct = { class: "text-center mt-20" }, Et = E( { __name: "index", setup(e) { const { t: t } = V(); p(3); const i = p(!1), a = z(); let s = p([ { imgs: P("vip/vip10.png") }, { imgs: P("vip/vip11.png") }, { imgs: P("vip/vip15.png") }, { imgs: P("vip/vip16.png") }, { imgs: P("vip/vip20.png") }, { imgs: P("vip/vip21.png") }, { imgs: P("vip/vip25.png") }, { imgs: P("vip/vip26.png") }, { imgs: P("vip/vip30.png") }, ]), l = p([ { imgs: P("vip/vip10.png") }, { imgs: P("vip/vip11.png") }, { imgs: P("vip/vip15.png") }, { imgs: P("vip/vip16.png") }, ]); const n = p(""); !(function () { let e = fe().beijing.time.split(":"), t = 36e5 * parseInt(e[0]) + 6e4 * parseInt(e[1]) + 1e3 * parseInt(e[1]); n.value = 864e5 - t; })(); const o = p([]); a.vip.viponedes && (o.value = a.vip.viponedes); const c = async () => { let { data: e } = await H(); (o.value = e), (a.vip.viponedes = e); }; c(); const r = p(0); a.vip.viponecount && (r.value = a.vip.viponecount); const v = async () => { let { data: e } = await Z(); (r.value = e.user_count), (a.vip.viponecount = e.user_count); }; v(); const d = p([]); a.vip.viponestatus && (d.value = a.vip.viponestatus); const m = async () => { let { data: e } = await M(); (d.value = e), (a.vip.viponestatus = e); }; m(); let f = p("VIP0"), g = p("VIP1"), x = p(5), y = p(0), b = p([]); function h() { a.vip && ((b.value = a.vip.vipindex), (y.value = a.vip.vipcount), a.vip.vipcount < a.vip.vipindex[0].user_count && ((f = "VIP0"), (g = a.vip.vipindex[0].name), (x.value = a.vip.vipindex[0].user_count)), a.vip.vipcount >= a.vip.vipindex[0].user_count && a.vip.vipcount < a.vip.vipindex[1].user_count && ((f = a.vip.vipindex[0].name), (g = a.vip.vipindex[1].name), (x.value = a.vip.vipindex[1].user_count)), a.vip.vipcount >= a.vip.vipindex[1].user_count && a.vip.vipcount < a.vip.vipindex[2].user_count && ((f = a.vip.vipindex[1].name), (g = a.vip.vipindex[2].name), (x.value = a.vip.vipindex[2].user_count)), a.vip.vipcount >= a.vip.vipindex[2].user_count && a.vip.vipcount < a.vip.vipindex[3].user_count && ((f = a.vip.vipindex[2].name), (g = a.vip.vipindex[3].name), (x.value = a.vip.vipindex[3].user_count)), a.vip.vipcount > a.vip.vipindex[3].user_count && ((f = a.vip.vipindex[3].name), (g = a.vip.vipindex[3].name), (x.value = a.vip.vipindex[3].user_count))); } h(); let _ = p([]); a.vip.viptwostatus && (_.value = a.vip.viptwostatus); let k = async () => { let { data: e } = await Y(); (_.value = e), (a.vip.viptwostatus = e), h(); }; k(); let w = async (e, i) => { Q({ forbidClick: !0, duration: 0 }), await W({ vip_id: e }), L(t("领取成功")), (_[i].status = 2), C(); }, C = async () => { let { data: e } = await q(); (b.value = e), (a.vip.vipindex = e), E(); }, E = async () => { let { data: e } = await R(); (a.vip.vipcount = e.user_count), k(); }, te = p(0); a.vip.today_income && (te.value = a.vip.today_income); (async () => { let { data: e } = await ne(); (te.value = e.today_income), (a.vip.today_income = e.today_income); })(); let ie = async (e) => { 23 == e.hours && 59 == e.minutes && 0 == e.seconds && (c(), v(), m(), C()); }, ae = p(0); ae.value = a.vip_score; return ( (async () => { let { data: e } = await G(); (ae.value = e.score), (a.vip_score = e.score); })(), (e, p) => { const h = T("normal-layout"), k = pe, C = oe, E = ue, V = ee; return ( X(), $("div", ge, [ u( h, { flex: "", "bg-color": "#f6f6f6", "nav-bg-color": "#fff", "text-color": "#000", title: e.$t("VIP详情"), backType: 0, }, null, 8, ["title"] ), S("div", xe, [ S("div", ye, [ S("div", be, [ S("div", he, [ "VIP0" == I(f) ? (X(), $("img", _e)) : U("", !0), "VIP1" == I(f) ? (X(), $("img", ke)) : U("", !0), "VIP2" == I(f) ? (X(), $("img", we)) : U("", !0), "VIP3" == I(f) ? (X(), $("img", Ce)) : U("", !0), "SVIP" == I(f) ? (X(), $("img", Ee)) : U("", !0), S("span", Ve, F(I(f)), 1), ]), S( "div", ze, F(e.$t("余额")) + ": " + F(I(a).userInfo.money), 1 ), ]), S("div", Pe, [ S("div", Te, [ u( k, { min: 0, max: I(x), "button-size": 14, modelValue: I(a).vip.vipcount, "onUpdate:modelValue": p[0] || (p[0] = (e) => (I(a).vip.vipcount = e)), "bar-height": 5, readonly: "", "inactive-color": "#444643", "active-color": "#fff", }, null, 8, ["max", "modelValue"] ), ]), S("div", $e, [ "VIP1" == I(g) ? (X(), $("img", Se)) : U("", !0), "VIP2" == I(g) ? (X(), $("img", Ie)) : U("", !0), "VIP3" == I(g) ? (X(), $("img", Ue)) : U("", !0), "SVIP" == I(g) ? (X(), $("img", Fe)) : U("", !0), S("span", Ae, F(I(g)), 1), ]), ]), S("div", Be, [ S( "span", je, F(e.$t("晋升标准")) + ": (" + F(I(a).vip.vipcount) + "/" + F(I(x)) + ")", 1 ), u( C, { onClick: p[1] || (p[1] = (e) => (i.value = !0)), style: { "vertical-align": "middle" }, color: "#EF6E3E", type: "success", size: "mini", }, { default: A(() => [B(F(e.$t("领取奖励")), 1)]), _: 1 } ), ]), S("div", De, [ B(F(e.$t("今日推广收益")) + ": ", 1), S("span", Ne, F(I(te)), 1), B( " (" + F(I(ae)) + " " + F(e.$t("积分")) + "= 1 " + F(e.$t("人")) + ") ", 1 ), ]), S("div", Oe, [ S("span", He, F(e.$t("每日奖励重置时间")) + " UTC:", 1), u( E, { id: "timeone", class: "inline-block", time: I(n), onChange: I(ie), }, null, 8, ["time", "onChange"] ), ]), ]), S("div", Ze, [ S("div", Me, "VIP " + F(e.$t("奖励")), 1), S("div", Ye, [ S("span", Ge, F(e.$t("成长值")), 1), S("span", Xe, F(e.$t("有效人数")), 1), S("span", Je, F(e.$t("奖励")), 1), S("span", Qe, F(e.$t("操作")), 1), ]), S("div", null, [ (X(!0), $( j, null, D( I(o), (i, a) => ( X(), $("div", { class: "py-6 relative", key: i }, [ S("div", Ke, [ S("div", Le, [ S("div", We, [ S( "img", { class: "h-30 relative bottom-5 z-10", src: I(s)[a].imgs, }, null, 8, qe ), S("span", Re, F(i.name), 1), ]), ]), I(r) <= i.user_count ? (X(), $( "div", et, F(I(r)) + "/" + F(i.user_count), 1 )) : U("", !0), I(r) > i.user_count ? (X(), $( "div", tt, F(i.user_count) + "/" + F(i.user_count), 1 )) : U("", !0), S("div", it, F(i.gift_amount), 1), S("div", at, [ 2 == I(d)[a].status ? (X(), J( C, { key: 0, class: "w-70", style: { "vertical-align": "top" }, color: "#E7B29F", type: "success", size: "mini", }, { default: A(() => [ B(F(e.$t("已领取")), 1), ]), _: 1, } )) : U("", !0), 1 == I(d)[a].status ? (X(), J( C, { key: 1, class: "w-70", onClick: (e) => (async (e, i) => { Q({ forbidClick: !0, duration: 0, }), await K({ vip_id: e }), L(t("领取成功")), (d[i].status = 2), c(), v(), m(); })(i.id, a), style: { "vertical-align": "top" }, color: "#EF6E3E", type: "success", size: "mini", }, { default: A(() => [ B(F(e.$t("可领取")), 1), ]), _: 2, }, 1032, ["onClick"] )) : U("", !0), 0 == I(d)[a].status ? (X(), J( C, { key: 2, class: "w-70", style: { "vertical-align": "top" }, color: "#E7B29F", type: "success", size: "mini", }, { default: A(() => [ B(F(e.$t("未激活")), 1), ]), _: 1, } )) : U("", !0), ]), ]), i.first_amount > 0 ? (X(), $( "div", st, F(e.$t("首次激活")) + " " + F(i.first_amount), 1 )) : U("", !0), ]) ) ), 128 )), ]), ]), N( S( "div", lt, [ S("div", nt, [ S("div", ot, [ S("div", ct, [ B(F(e.$t("每日奖励重置时间")) + " UTC: ", 1), u( E, { class: "inline-block", time: I(n) }, null, 8, ["time"] ), ]), S("div", rt, [ S("div", ut, F(e.$t("等级")), 1), S("div", vt, F(e.$t("成长值")), 1), S("div", dt, F(e.$t("奖励")), 1), S("div", pt, F(e.$t("操作")), 1), ]), S("div", null, [ (X(!0), $( j, null, D( I(b), (t, i) => ( X(), $( "div", { class: "py-10 relative", key: t }, [ S("div", mt, [ S("div", ft, [ S("div", gt, [ S( "img", { class: "h-30 relative bottom-5 z-10", src: I(l)[i].imgs, }, null, 8, xt ), S("span", yt, F(t.name), 1), ]), ]), I(y) <= t.user_count ? (X(), $( "div", bt, F(I(y)) + "/" + F(t.user_count), 1 )) : U("", !0), I(y) > t.user_count ? (X(), $( "div", ht, F(t.user_count) + "/" + F(t.user_count), 1 )) : U("", !0), S("div", _t, F(t.gift_amount), 1), S("div", kt, [ 2 == I(_)[i].status ? (X(), J( C, { key: 0, class: "w-70", style: { "vertical-align": "top", }, color: "#E7B29F", type: "success", size: "mini", }, { default: A(() => [ B(F(e.$t("已领取")), 1), ]), _: 1, } )) : U("", !0), 1 == I(_)[i].status ? (X(), J( C, { key: 1, class: "w-70", onClick: (e) => I(w)(t.id, i), style: { "vertical-align": "top", }, color: "#EF6E3E", type: "success", size: "mini", }, { default: A(() => [ B(F(e.$t("可领取")), 1), ]), _: 2, }, 1032, ["onClick"] )) : U("", !0), 0 == I(_)[i].status ? (X(), J( C, { key: 2, class: "w-70", style: { "vertical-align": "top", }, color: "#E7B29F", type: "success", size: "mini", }, { default: A(() => [ B(F(e.$t("未激活")), 1), ]), _: 1, } )) : U("", !0), ]), ]), ] ) ) ), 128 )), ]), S("div", wt, F(e.$t("每激活一次VIP任务")), 1), ]), S("div", Ct, [ S( "div", { class: "inline-block", onClick: p[2] || (p[2] = (e) => (i.value = !1)), }, [ u(V, { name: "close", size: "10rem", color: "#fff", }), ] ), ]), ]), ], 512 ), [[O, 1 == I(i)]] ), ]), ]) ); } ); }, }, [["__scopeId", "data-v-f578f73d"]] ); export { Et as default };