删除 没有用的控制器
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
namespace App\Utils;
* app页面返回api
* 推断1是成功
class ApiResponseApp
public static function success($code = 1, $data = [], $message = '请求成功')
return json([
'code' => $code,
'data' => $data,
'message' => $message,
'time' => time()
public static function error($code = 400, $data = [], $message = '操作失败')
return json([
'code' => $code,
'message' => $message,
'data' => $data,
'time' => time()
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
namespace app\controller;
use support\Request;
use App\Utils\ApiResponse;
use App\model\Project;
use App\model\ProjectRegister;
use App\model\ProjectDetailed;
use App\dao\MessageDao;
class ProjectRegisterController
public function index(Request $request)
* 报名函数
public function signup(Request $request)
$user = $request->data;
$data = $request->post();
* 通过中间件获取userid
return ApiResponse::success(402,[],"当前报名人数已经满员");
* 查询用户是否报名过
$ProjectRegister=new ProjectRegister();
MessageDao::SendMessage($userid,"系统提醒","您已成功报名 $Project->title ");
return ApiResponse::success(200,[],"报名成功");
return ApiResponse::success(402,$issignup,"您已经报名过了");
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
namespace app\controller;
use support\Request;
use App\Utils\ApiResponse;
use App\model\Carousel;
use App\model\Project;
use App\model\ProjectDetailed;
use App\model\ProjectRegister;
use App\model\Carouselad;
use App\model\Mechanism;
use Tinywan\Jwt\JwtToken;
use hg\apidoc\annotation as Apidoc;
use support\Db;
* @Apidoc\Title("用户vip控制器")
class TaskController
protected $noNeedLogin = ['phone_list', 'get_project', 'get_projectdetailed', 'get_mechanism_list'];
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取首页轮播图")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/task/phone_list")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function phone_list(Request $request)
// return json(['code' => 0, 'msg' => 'ok']);
$res['carousel'] = Carousel::all();
$res['carouselad'] = Carouselad::all();
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
namespace app\controller\admin\api\v1;
use support\Request;
use App\Utils\ApiResponse;
use App\model\Carousel;
use App\model\Carouselad;
use hg\apidoc\annotation as Apidoc;
* @Apidoc\Title("轮播图控制器")
class CarouselController
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取首页轮播图")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/admin/v1/carousel/get_carousel")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function get_carousel(Request $request)
// return json(['code' => 0, 'msg' => 'ok']);
$res = Carousel::all();
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取首页底部轮播图")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/admin/v1/carousel/get_carouselad")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function get_carouselad(Request $request)
$res = Carouselad::all();
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 添加轮播图")
* @Apidoc\Url("admin/api/v1/carousel/add")
* @Apidoc\Param("type", type="int",require=true, desc="类型0是首页轮播图1是广告图")
* @Apidoc\Param("img_url", type="string",require=true, desc="img_url")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function add(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
if ($data['type'] == 0) {
$Carousel = new Carousel();
} else {
$Carousel = new Carouselad();
$Carousel->img_url = $data['img_url'];
return ApiResponse::success(200, []);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 删除轮播图")
* @Apidoc\Url("admin/api/v1/carousel/del")
* @Apidoc\Param("type", type="int",require=true, desc="类型0是首页轮播图1是广告图")
* @Apidoc\Param("id", type="int",require=true, desc="图片id")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function del(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
if ($data['type'] == 0) {
$Carousel = Carousel::where('id', $data['id'])->first();
} else {
$Carousel = Carouselad::where('id', $data['id'])->first();
return ApiResponse::success(200, []);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 删除轮播图")
* @Apidoc\Url("admin/api/v1/carousel/chang")
* @Apidoc\Param("type", type="int",require=true, desc="类型0是首页轮播图1是广告图")
* @Apidoc\Param("id", type="int",require=true, desc="图片id")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function chang(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
if ($data['type'] == 0) {
$Carousel = Carousel::where('id', $data['id'])->first();
} else {
$Carousel = Carouselad::where('id', $data['id'])->first();
$Carousel->img_url = $data['img_url'];
return ApiResponse::success(200, []);
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
namespace app\controller\admin\api\v1;
use support\Request;
use App\Utils\ApiResponse;
use App\model\ProjectDetailed;
use App\model\Project;
use App\model\Hotinformation;
use hg\apidoc\annotation as Apidoc;
* @Apidoc\Title("文章控制器")
class HotinformationController{
protected $noNeedLogin = ['get_list','get_details'];
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取所有文章")
* @Apidoc\Url("admin/api/v1/hotinformation/get_list")
* @Apidoc\Param("type", type="int",require=true, desc="0是热点资讯1是银龄")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function get_list(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
$res = Hotinformation::where('type', $data['type'])->get();
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取文章详细")
* @Apidoc\Url("admin/api/v1/hotinformation/get_details")
* @Apidoc\Param("id", type="int",require=true, desc="文章id")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function get_details(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
$res = Hotinformation::where('id', $data['id'])->first();
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 编辑文章")
* @Apidoc\Url("admin/api/v1/hotinformation/edi")
* @Apidoc\Param("id", type="int",require=true, desc="文章id")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function edi(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
$hotinformation = Hotinformation::where('id', $data['id'])->first();
$hotinformation=new Hotinformation();
return ApiResponse::success(200, []);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 删除文章")
* @Apidoc\Url("admin/api/v1/hotinformation/del")
* @Apidoc\Param("id", type="int",require=true, desc="文章id")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function del(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
$hotinformation = Hotinformation::where('id', $data['id'])->first();
return ApiResponse::success(200, []);
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
namespace app\controller\admin\api\v1;
use support\Request;
use App\Utils\ApiResponse;
use App\model\ProjectDetailed;
use App\model\Project;
use hg\apidoc\annotation as Apidoc;
class projectController{
protected $noNeedLogin = ['edi'];
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取首页轮播图")
* @Apidoc\Url("admin/api/v1/project/edi")
* @Apidoc\Param("projectid", type="int",require=true, desc="项目id")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function edi(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
$project = Project::where('id', $data['projectid'])->first();
$projectDetailed = ProjectDetailed::where('projectid', $data['projectid'])->first();
$project =new Project();
$projectDetailed =new ProjectDetailed();
$id=Project::where('img', $data['img'])->first();
$projectDetailed->projectid = $id;
return ApiResponse::success(200, []);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 删除")
* @Apidoc\Url("admin/api/v1/project/del")
* @Apidoc\Param("projectid", type="int",require=true, desc="项目id")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function del(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
$project = Project::where('id', $data['projectid'])->first();
$projectDetailed = ProjectDetailed::where('projectid', $data['projectid'])->first();
return ApiResponse::success(200, []);
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
namespace app\controller\admin\api\v1;
use support\Request;
use App\Utils\ApiResponse;
use App\model\Volunteerservicecorp;
use App\model\Users;
use App\model\Volunteerservicecorpsdetailed;
use App\model\Volunteerjoinrequest;
use App\model\Message;
use hg\apidoc\annotation as Apidoc;
use plugin\admin\app\model\User;
use App\dao\VolunteerservicecorpsDao;
* @Apidoc\Title("admin志愿者队伍控制器")
class VolunteerservicecorpsController
protected $noNeedLogin = ['get_volunteerservicecorp_list','get_volunteerservicecorp_details','del_volunteerservicecorp','add_volunteerservicecorp','edi_volunteerservicecorp'];
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 志愿队查询所有")
* @Apidoc\Url("admin/api/v1/Volunteerservicecorps/get_volunteerservicecorp_list")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function get_volunteerservicecorp_list(Request $request)
$tmp = Volunteerservicecorp::all();
$res = [];
foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) {
$tmp2 = Volunteerservicecorpsdetailed::where('groupid', $v->id)->get();
$number = Volunteerservicecorpsdetailed::where('groupid', $v->id)->count();
$leader = Users::where('id', $v->leaderid)->first(['nickname', 'phone', 'avatar']);
foreach ($tmp2 as $key => $value) {
$member[] = Users::where('id', $value->userid)->first(['nickname', 'phone', 'avatar']);
$res['group'][] = array('groupname' => $v->groupname, 'leaderid' => $v->leaderid, 'groupid' => $v->id, "category" => $v->category, 'img' => $v->img, 'number' => $number, 'leader' => $leader, 'member' => $member);
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取志愿队伍详细信息根据id")
* @Apidoc\Url("admin/api/v1/Volunteerservicecorps/get_volunteerservicecorp_details")
* @Apidoc\Param("volunteerservicecorp_id", type="int",require=true, desc="队伍id")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function get_volunteerservicecorp_details(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
$volunteerservicecorp_id = $data['volunteerservicecorp_id'];
$tmp = Volunteerservicecorp::where('id', $volunteerservicecorp_id)->get();
$res = [];
foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) {
$tmp2 = Volunteerservicecorpsdetailed::where('groupid', $v->id)->get();
$number = Volunteerservicecorpsdetailed::where('groupid', $v->id)->count();
$leader = Users::where('id', $v->leaderid)->first(['nickname', 'phone', 'avatar']);
foreach ($tmp2 as $key => $value) {
$member[] = Users::where('id', $value->userid)->first(['nickname', 'phone', 'avatar']);
$res['group'] = array('groupname' => $v->groupname, 'leaderid' => $v->leaderid, "category" => $v->category, 'briefly' => $v->briefly, 'created_at' => $v->created_at, 'img' => $v->img, 'number' => $number, 'leader' => $leader, 'member' => $member);
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 删除志愿队伍根据id")
* @Apidoc\Url("admin/api/v1/Volunteerservicecorps/del_volunteerservicecorp")
* @Apidoc\Param("groupid", type="int",require=true, desc="队伍id")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function del_volunteerservicecorp(Request $request){
$data = $request->post();
return ApiResponse::success(200, []);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 增加志愿队伍")
* @Apidoc\Url("admin/api/v1/Volunteerservicecorps/add_volunteerservicecorp")
* @Apidoc\Param("leaderid", type="int",require=true, desc="组长用户id")
* @Apidoc\Param("groupname", type="string",require=true, desc="组名称")
* @Apidoc\Param("category", type="string",require=true, desc="组分类")
* @Apidoc\Param("img", type="string",require=true, desc="首页图片url")
* @Apidoc\Param("briefly", type="string",require=true, desc="队伍简介")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function add_volunteerservicecorp(Request $request){
$data = $request->post();
$Volunteerservicecorp=new Volunteerservicecorp();
foreach($col_array as $v){
return ApiResponse::success(200, []);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 修改志愿队伍")
* @Apidoc\Url("admin/api/v1/Volunteerservicecorps/add_volunteerservicecorp")
* @Apidoc\Param("leaderid", type="int",require=true, desc="组长用户id")
* @Apidoc\Param("groupname", type="string",require=true, desc="组名称")
* @Apidoc\Param("category", type="string",require=true, desc="组分类")
* @Apidoc\Param("img", type="string",require=true, desc="首页图片url")
* @Apidoc\Param("briefly", type="string",require=true, desc="队伍简介")
* @Apidoc\Param("id", type="int",require=true, desc="队伍id")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function edi_volunteerservicecorp(Request $request){
$data = $request->post();
foreach($col_array as $v){
return ApiResponse::success(200, []);
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
namespace app\controller;
use support\Request;
use App\Utils\ApiResponse;
use App\model\Carousel;
use App\model\Project;
use App\model\ProjectDetailed;
use App\model\ProjectRegister;
use App\model\Carouselad;
use App\model\Mechanism;
use Tinywan\Jwt\JwtToken;
use hg\apidoc\annotation as Apidoc;
use support\Db;
* @Apidoc\Title("用户vip控制器")
class Vip_salaryController
protected $noNeedLogin = ['get_carousel', 'get_project', 'get_projectdetailed', 'get_mechanism_list'];
public function index(Request $request)
static $readme;
if (!$readme) {
$readme = file_get_contents(base_path('README.md'));
return $readme;
public function view(Request $request)
return view('index/view', ['name' => 'webman']);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取首页轮播图")
* @Apidoc\Url("Apiv1/get_carousel")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function user_count(Request $request)
// return json(['code' => 0, 'msg' => 'ok']);
$res['carousel'] = Carousel::all();
$res['carouselad'] = Carouselad::all();
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
namespace app\controller\api\v1;
use support\Request;
use App\Utils\ApiResponse;
use App\model\Users;
use App\model\BankLog;
use hg\apidoc\annotation as Apidoc;
use App\dao\BankDao;
* @Apidoc\Title("时间币控制器")
class BankController
protected $noNeedLogin = ['index'];
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 测试")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/bank/index")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function index(Request $request)
return ApiResponse::success(200, []);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取当前用户时间币余额")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/bank/get")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
* @Apidoc\Returned("timecoin", type="int", desc="余额")
public function get(Request $request)
$user = $request->data;
$userid = $user['id'];
$res = Users::where('id', $userid)->first('timecoin');
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取当前用户时间币记录")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/bank/get_back_log")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function get_back_log(Request $request)
$user = $request->data;
$userid = $user['id'];
$res = BankLog::where('userid', $userid)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->limit(3)->get();
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取当前用户时间币所有记录")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/bank/get_back_log_all")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function get_back_log_all(Request $request)
$user = $request->data;
$userid = $user['id'];
$res = BankLog::where('userid', $userid)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 转账时间币到其他用户")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/bank/transfer")
* @Apidoc\Param("amount", type="int",require=true, desc="金额",default="1")
* @Apidoc\Param("phone", type="int",require=true, desc="收款人手机号",default="我是你爹")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function transfer(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
$user = $request->data;
$userid = $user['id'];
$amount = $data['amount'];
$phone = $data['phone'];
$res = BankDao::transfer($userid, $phone, $amount);
return ApiResponse::success(402, $res);
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 增加时间币测试")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/bank/add")
* @Apidoc\Param("amount", type="int",require=true, desc="金额",default="1")
* @Apidoc\Param("remark", type="string",require=true, desc="备注",default="我是你爹")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function add(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
$user = $request->data;
$userid = $user['id'];
$amount = $data['amount'];
$remark = $data['remark'];
BankDao::add($userid, $amount, $remark);
return ApiResponse::success(200, []);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 搜索转账人")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/bank/search_user")
* @Apidoc\Param("key", type="string",require=true, desc="关键词",default="1")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function search_user(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
$users = Users::where('nickname', 'like', '%' . $data['key'] . '%')
->orWhere('phone', 'like', '%' . $data['key'] . '%')
return ApiResponse::success(200, $users);
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
namespace app\controller\api\v1;
use support\Request;
use App\Utils\ApiResponse;
use App\model\Users;
use App\model\Contact;
use hg\apidoc\annotation as Apidoc;
use App\dao\BankDao;
* @Apidoc\Title("联系人控制器")
class ContactController
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取当前用户联系人列表")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/contact/get")
* @Apidoc\Param("id", type="int",require=false, desc="联系人id",default="")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function get(Request $request)
$user = $request->data;
$userid = $user['id'];
$data = $request->post();
if (isset($data['id'])) {
$res = Contact::where('userid', $userid)->where('id', $data['id'])->first(['id', 'name', 'phone', 'relationship']);
} else {
$res = Contact::where('userid', $userid)->get(['id', 'name', 'phone', 'relationship']);
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 增加联系人")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/contact/add_contact")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
* @Apidoc\Param("name", type="string",require=true, desc="联系人姓名",default="我是你爹")
* @Apidoc\Param("phone", type="int",require=true, desc="手机号",default="")
* @Apidoc\Param("relationship", type="int",require=true, desc="关系",default="0")
public function add_contact(Request $request)
$user = $request->data;
$userid = $user['id'];
$data = $request->post();
return ApiResponse::success(402, [],'联系人手机号已存在');
$contact = new Contact();
$contact->name = $data['name'];
$contact->phone = $data['phone'];
$contact->relationship = $data['relationship'];
$contact->userid = $userid;
return ApiResponse::success(200, []);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 编辑联系人")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/contact/edi_contact")
* @Apidoc\Param("name", type="string",require=true, desc="联系人姓名",default="我是你爹")
* @Apidoc\Param("phone", type="int",require=true, desc="手机号",default="")
* @Apidoc\Param("relationship", type="int",require=true, desc="关系",default="0")
* @Apidoc\Param("id", type="int",require=true, desc="记录id",default="0")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function edi_contact(Request $request)
$user = $request->data;
$userid = $user['id'];
$data = $request->post();
$contact = Contact::where('userid', $userid)->where('id', $data['id'])->first();
$contact->name = $data['name'];
$contact->phone = $data['phone'];
$contact->relationship = $data['relationship'];
$contact->userid = $userid;
return ApiResponse::success(200, []);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 删除联系人")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/contact/del_contact")
* @Apidoc\Param("id", type="int",require=true, desc="记录id",default="0")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function del_contact(Request $request)
$user = $request->data;
$userid = $user['id'];
$data = $request->post();
$contact = Contact::where('userid', $userid)->where('id', $data['id'])->first();
return ApiResponse::success(200, []);
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
namespace app\controller\api\v1;
use support\Request;
use App\Utils\ApiResponse;
use App\model\Users;
use App\model\Hotinformation;
use hg\apidoc\annotation as Apidoc;
use App\dao\BankDao;
* @Apidoc\Title("文章控制器")
class HotinformationController
protected $noNeedLogin = ['get_list','get_details'];
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取所有文章")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/hotinformation/get_list")
* @Apidoc\Param("type", type="int",require=true, desc="0是热点资讯1是银龄")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function get_list(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
$res = Hotinformation::where('type', $data['type'])->get();
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取文章详细")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/hotinformation/get_details")
* @Apidoc\Param("id", type="int",require=true, desc="文章id")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function get_details(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
$res = Hotinformation::where('id', $data['id'])->first();
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
namespace app\controller\api\v1;
use Webman\Controller;
use support\Request;
use support\Response;
use Webman\File;
use App\Utils\ApiResponse;
class ImageController
// 显示上传图片的页面
public function showUploadForm()
return view('admin.image_upload');
// 处理图片上传
public function upload(Request $request)
// 获取上传的文件
$file = $request->file('image');
// 验证文件是否上传成功
if ($file && $file->isValid()) {
// 设置保存路径
$uploadPath = public_path('uploads/images');
// 生成文件名,防止重名
$filename = uniqid('img_', true) . '.' . $file->getUploadExtension();
// 保存文件
$file->move($uploadPath. $filename);
// 返回成功消息
return ApiResponse::success(200, [
'status' => 'success',
'message' => '上传成功!',
'file' => "/uploads/images/{$filename}",
// 上传失败
return ApiResponse::success(200, [
'status' => 'error',
'message' => '文件上传失败,请重试。',
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
namespace app\controller\api\v1;
use support\Request;
use App\Utils\ApiResponse;
use App\model\Mechanism;
use hg\apidoc\annotation as Apidoc;
* @Apidoc\Title("养老机构控制器")
class MechanismController
protected $noNeedLogin = ['get_mechanism_list','get_mechanism_details'];
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取所有养老机构")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/mechanism/get_mechanism_list")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function get_mechanism_list(Request $request)
$res = Mechanism::all();
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取养老机构详细信息")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/mechanism/get_mechanism_details")
* @Apidoc\Param("id", type="int",require=true, desc="养老机构id",default="1")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function get_mechanism_details(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
$res = Mechanism::where('id', $data['id'])->first();
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
namespace app\controller\api\v1;
use support\Request;
use App\Utils\ApiResponse;
use App\model\Users;
use App\model\BankLog;
use hg\apidoc\annotation as Apidoc;
use App\dao\BankDao;
use App\model\Mechanism;
use App\model\Hotinformation;
use simplehtmldom\HtmlDocument;
* @Apidoc\Title("自己用的批量修改控制器")
class SetController
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取所有养老机构")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/Set/chang_url")
* @Apidoc\Param("url", type="string",require=true, desc="url",default="http://")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function chang_url(Request $request)
$url = "";
$res = Hotinformation::all();
foreach($res as $k => $v){
$html = new HtmlDocument();
$img = $html->find('img');
foreach ($img as $paragraph) {
$paragraph->src=str_replace("", $url, $paragraph->src);
$v->img=str_replace("", $url, $v->img);
$v->content = $change_img_attr;
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
namespace app\controller\api\v1;
use support\Request;
use App\Utils\ApiResponse;
use App\model\Volunteerservicecorp;
use App\model\Users;
use App\model\Volunteerservicecorpsdetailed;
use App\model\Volunteerjoinrequest;
use App\model\Message;
use hg\apidoc\annotation as Apidoc;
use plugin\admin\app\model\User;
use App\dao\MessageDao;
* @Apidoc\Title("志愿者队伍控制器")
class VolunteerservicecorpsController
protected $noNeedLogin = [];
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取所有志愿队伍")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/Volunteerservicecorps/get_volunteerservicecorp_list")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function get_volunteerservicecorp_list(Request $request)
$tmp = Volunteerservicecorp::all();
$res = [];
foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) {
$tmp2 = Volunteerservicecorpsdetailed::where('groupid', $v->id)->get();
$number = Volunteerservicecorpsdetailed::where('groupid', $v->id)->count();
$leader = Users::where('id', $v->leaderid)->first(['nickname', 'phone', 'avatar']);
foreach ($tmp2 as $key => $value) {
$member[] = Users::where('id', $value->userid)->first(['nickname', 'phone', 'avatar']);
$res['group'][] = array('groupname' => $v->groupname, 'leaderid' => $v->leaderid, 'groupid' => $v->id, "category" => $v->category, 'img' => $v->img, 'number' => $number, 'leader' => $leader, 'member' => $member);
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 获取志愿队伍详细信息根据id")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/Volunteerservicecorps/get_volunteerservicecorp_details")
* @Apidoc\Param("volunteerservicecorp_id", type="int",require=true, desc="队伍id")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function get_volunteerservicecorp_details(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
$volunteerservicecorp_id = $data['volunteerservicecorp_id'];
$tmp = Volunteerservicecorp::where('id', $volunteerservicecorp_id)->get();
$res = [];
foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) {
$tmp2 = Volunteerservicecorpsdetailed::where('groupid', $v->id)->get();
$number = Volunteerservicecorpsdetailed::where('groupid', $v->id)->count();
$leader = Users::where('id', $v->leaderid)->first(['nickname', 'phone', 'avatar']);
foreach ($tmp2 as $key => $value) {
$member[] = Users::where('id', $value->userid)->first(['nickname', 'phone', 'avatar']);
$res['group'] = array('groupname' => $v->groupname, 'leaderid' => $v->leaderid, "category" => $v->category, 'briefly' => $v->briefly, 'created_at' => $v->created_at, 'img' => $v->img, 'number' => $number, 'leader' => $leader, 'member' => $member);
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 志愿队伍报名接口")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/Volunteerservicecorps/join")
* @Apidoc\Param("groupid", type="int",require=true, desc="队伍id")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function join(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
$groupid = $data['groupid'];
$user = $request->data;
$userid = $user['id'];
$isjoin = Volunteerservicecorpsdetailed::where('groupid', $groupid)->where('userid', $userid)->count();
$filed = Volunteerjoinrequest::where('groupid', $groupid)->where('userid', $userid)->count();
if ($isjoin > 0) {
return ApiResponse::success(402, [], "您已经报名过了");
if ($filed > 0) {
return ApiResponse::success(402, [], "申请已提交,待审核");
$tmp = Volunteerservicecorp::where('id', $groupid)->first();
$volunteerjoinrequest = new volunteerjoinrequest();
$volunteerjoinrequest->userid = $userid;
$volunteerjoinrequest->groupid = $groupid;
$volunteerjoinrequest->status = 0;
$volunteerjoinrequest->remark = "";
MessageDao::SendMessage($userid,"系统通知","$tmp->groupname 申请已提交 等待队长审批");
//TODO这里没写队长通知 时间来不及
// Unset($Message);
// $Message = new Message();
// $Message->content = "您有一条待审批消息";
// $Message->title = "系统通知";
$user = User::where('id', $userid)->first();
$json['nickname'] = $user->nickname;
$json['userid'] = $user->id;
$json['groupid'] = $groupid;
// $Message->parameters = json_encode($json);
// $Message->userid = $tmp->leaderid;
// $Message->save();
return ApiResponse::success(200, []);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 志愿队伍搜索接口")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/Volunteerservicecorps/search")
* @Apidoc\Param("type", type="int",require=true, desc="0是按照类型搜索1是按照名称")
* @Apidoc\Param("key", type="string",require=true, desc="key")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function search(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
$type = $data['type'];
$key = $data['key'];
if ($type == 1) {
$Volunteerservicecorp = Volunteerservicecorp::where('groupname', 'like', '%' . $key . '%')->get();
} else {
$Volunteerservicecorp = Volunteerservicecorp::where('category', 'like', '%' . $key . '%')->get();
$tmp = $Volunteerservicecorp;
$res = [];
foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) {
$tmp2 = Volunteerservicecorpsdetailed::where('groupid', $v->id)->get();
$number = Volunteerservicecorpsdetailed::where('groupid', $v->id)->count();
$leader = Users::where('id', $v->leaderid)->first(['nickname', 'phone', 'avatar']);
foreach ($tmp2 as $key => $value) {
$member[] = Users::where('id', $value->userid)->first(['nickname', 'phone', 'avatar']);
$res['group'][] = array('groupname' => $v->groupname, 'leaderid' => $v->leaderid, 'groupid' => $v->id, "category" => $v->category, 'img' => $v->img, 'number' => $number, 'leader' => $leader, 'member' => $member);
return ApiResponse::success(200, $res);
* @Apidoc\Title("1.0 志愿队伍审批接口")
* @Apidoc\Url("api/v1/Volunteerservicecorps/approval")
* @Apidoc\Param("type", type="int",require=true, desc="0同意1不同意")
* @Apidoc\Param("groupid", type="int",require=true, desc="队伍id")
* @Apidoc\Param("userid", type="int",require=true, desc="userid")
* @Apidoc\Method("POST")
public function approval(Request $request)
$data = $request->post();
$user = $request->data;
$userid = $user['id'];
$Volunteerservicecorp = Volunteerservicecorp::where('id', $data['groupid'])->first();
if ($userid != $Volunteerservicecorp->leaderid) {
return ApiResponse::success(402, [], '不是队长没有审核权限');
if ($user['type'] == 0) {
$volunteerservicecorpsdetailed = new Volunteerservicecorpsdetailed();
$volunteerservicecorpsdetailed->userid = $data['userid'];
$volunteerservicecorpsdetailed->groupid = $data['groupid'];
$volunteerjoinrequest = volunteerjoinrequest::where('groupid', $data['groupid'])->where('userid', $data['userid'])->first();
$volunteerjoinrequest->status = 2;
$Volunteerservicecorp = Volunteerservicecorp::where('id', $data['groupid'])->first();
MessageDao::SendMessage($data['userid'],"系统通知","您加入的志愿队 $Volunteerservicecorp->groupname 已同意申请");
return ApiResponse::success(200, [], '成功');
$volunteerjoinrequest = volunteerjoinrequest::where('groupid', $data['groupid'])->where('userid', $data['userid'])->first();
$volunteerjoinrequest->status = 1;
MessageDao::SendMessage($data['userid'],"系统通知","您加入的志愿队 $Volunteerservicecorp->groupname 已拒绝您的申请");
return ApiResponse::success(200, [], '成功');
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
namespace app\model\app;
use support\Model;
* @property integer $id ID (主键)
* @property string $title 标题
* @property string $content 内容 (包含 HTML)
* @property integer $status 状态 0禁用 1启用
* @property string $status_text 状态文本
* @property integer $createtime 创建时间
* @property integer $updatetime 更新时间
class Announcement extends Model
* The table associated with the model.
* @var string
protected $table = 'announcements'; // 表名
* The primary key associated with the table.
* @var string
protected $primaryKey = 'id'; // 主键
* Indicates if the model should be timestamped.
* @var bool
public $timestamps = true; // 不使用自动时间戳
* 可以赋值字段
* @var array
protected $fillable = [
* 字段类型
* @var array
protected $casts = [
'createtime' => 'integer',
'updatetime' => 'integer',
'status' => 'integer',
* 获取创建时间的格式化值
* @param mixed $value
* @return string
public function getCreatetimeAttribute($value)
return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value);
* 获取更新时间的格式化值
* @param mixed $value
* @return string
public function getUpdatetimeAttribute($value)
return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value);
* 获取状态文本
* @param mixed $value
* @return string
public function getStatusTextAttribute($value)
return $value ?? '未设置';
* CREATE TABLE `announcements` (
`title` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '标题',
`content` TEXT NOT NULL COMMENT '内容 (包含 HTML)',
`status` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '状态 0禁用 1启用',
`status_text` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '状态文本',
`createtime` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
`updatetime` INT(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
KEY `status` (`status`),
KEY `createtime` (`createtime`)
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
namespace app\model\app;
use support\Model;
* @property integer $id ID (主键)
* @property string $username 用户名
* @property string $invite_code 邀请码
* @property integer $is_active 是否激活
* @property string $login_ip 登录 IP
* @property string $join_ip 加入 IP
* @property integer $login_time 登录时间
* @property integer $prev_time 上次登录时间
* @property integer $status 状态 0正常 1禁用
* @property float $money 账户余额
* @property float $admin_money 管理员余额
* @property float $all_team_money 总团队余额
* @property float $task_income_money 任务收入
* @property integer $task_status 任务状态
* @property float $today_task_income 今日任务收入
* @property float $today_team_income 今日团队收入
* @property integer $growth_value 成长值
* @property integer $vip_id VIP ID
* @property float $withdraw_money 提现金额
* @property integer $f_id 上级ID
* @property integer $ff_id 二级上级ID
* @property integer $fff_id 三级上级ID
* @property integer $top_id 顶级ID
* @property string $path 路径
* @property string $remark 备注
* @property integer $createtime 创建时间
* @property integer $updatetime 更新时间
class User extends Model
* The table associated with the model.
* @var string
protected $table = 'user_info'; // 表名
* The primary key associated with the table.
* @var string
protected $primaryKey = 'id'; // 主键
* Indicates if the model should be timestamped.
* @var bool
public $timestamps = true; // 如果不需要自动维护创建和更新时间,可以将此设置为 false
* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* @var array
protected $fillable = [
* The attributes that should be cast to native types.
* @var array
protected $casts = [
'money' => 'float',
'admin_money' => 'float',
'all_team_money' => 'float',
'task_income_money' => 'float',
'today_task_income' => 'float',
'today_team_income' => 'float',
'growth_value' => 'integer',
'withdraw_money' => 'float',
'createtime' => 'integer',
'updatetime' => 'integer',
'status' => 'integer',
* 获取登录时间的格式化值
* @param mixed $value
* @return string
public function getLoginTimeAttribute($value)
return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value);
* 获取创建时间的格式化值
* @param mixed $value
* @return string
public function getCreatetimeAttribute($value)
return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value);
* 获取更新时间的格式化值
* @param mixed $value
* @return string
public function getUpdatetimeAttribute($value)
return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value);
* CREATE TABLE `users` (
`username` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '用户名',
`invite_code` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '邀请码',
`is_active` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '是否激活 (0:未激活, 1:已激活)',
`login_ip` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL COMMENT '最后登录IP',
`join_ip` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL COMMENT '注册IP',
`login_time` INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '最后登录时间 (Unix时间戳)',
`prev_time` INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '上次活动时间 (Unix时间戳)',
`status` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '状态 (1: 正常, 0: 禁用)',
`money` DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00 COMMENT '账户余额',
`admin_money` DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00 COMMENT '管理员账户余额',
`all_team_money` DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00 COMMENT '团队总金额',
`task_income_money` DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00 COMMENT '任务收入金额',
`task_status` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '任务状态 (0: 未完成, 1: 完成)',
`today_task_income` DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00 COMMENT '今天的任务收入',
`today_team_income` DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00 COMMENT '今天的团队收入',
`growth_value` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '成长值',
`withdraw_money` DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00 COMMENT '可提现金额',
`f_id` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '上一级用户ID',
`ff_id` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '上上级用户ID',
`fff_id` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '上上上级用户ID',
`top_id` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '最高层级ID',
`path` TEXT NOT NULL COMMENT '用户路径',
`createtime` INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '创建时间 (Unix时间戳)',
`updatetime` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '更新时间 (Unix时间戳)',
UNIQUE KEY `invite_code` (`invite_code`)
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Reference in New Issue