/* empty css */ /* empty css */ /* empty css */ /* empty css */ /* empty css */ import { C as e } from "./index-d1f6d69a.js"; import "./index-325f2a5d.js"; import { F as t } from "./index-8da36b2b.js"; import { _ as a, a as s, j as l, o, e as n, f as i, t as r, v as d, p as c, y as u, F as m, r as p, i as v, q as A, h as x, G as f, az as h, b3 as g, aW as b, A as y, B as w, u as k, b as j, d as B, b4 as C, w as $, b5 as E, c as S, aC as I, m as T, n as U, as as V, at as Q, R as Y, b6 as N, P as L, b7 as W, b8 as _, b9 as R, } from "./index-476be0bb.js"; import { _ as z } from "./IMG_7054-e9087211.js"; import { _ as G } from "./wash-7c0edfd9.js"; import { C as J } from "./index-965d54ae.js"; import { a as F, D as M } from "./index-0a638fc2.js"; import { B as D } from "./index-97676c1f.js"; import { u as O } from "./index-dec55e5c.js"; import { c as X } from "./countryCode-16bf7887.js"; import "./use-route-126c4f06.js"; import "./use-id-50eda0ee.js"; import "./use-placeholder-8391a3e3.js"; import "./clipboard-c314aeef.js"; const q = { class: "table-container rounded-8 bg-white overflow-hidden min-h-130", }, H = { class: "text-12" }, Z = { class: "frozen" }, K = { class: "pl-3" }, P = { class: "frozen" }, ee = { class: "frozen" }, te = ((e) => (y("data-v-df311e97"), (e = e()), w(), e))(() => i("td", null, "ongoing", -1) ), ae = { key: 0, class: "text-#199D2A" }, se = { key: 1, class: "text-#E23A30" }, le = { class: "frozen flex items-center text-white" }, oe = ["onClick"], ne = { key: 0, class: "text-center pt-20 text-14 text-grey" }, ie = { class: "pt-14" }, re = a( { __name: "Table", props: { list: { type: Array, default: () => [] } }, emits: ["refresh"], setup(e, { emit: a }) { const { t: y } = s(), w = l(!1), k = l({ phone: "", remark: "" }), j = () => { (w.value = !1), (k.value = { phone: "", remark: "" }); }, B = () => { F({ confirmButtonText: y("确定"), message: y("显示绿色指示灯后"), }).then(() => {}); }, C = () => { if ("" === k.value.remark) return f(y("请输入备注")); h({ forbidClick: !0, duration: 0 }), g(k.value).then((e) => { b(), f({ message: y("修改成功"), onClose() { (w.value = !1), a("refresh"); }, }); }); }; return (a, s) => { const l = D, f = t, h = J, g = M; return ( o(), n("div", q, [ i("table", null, [ i("thead", null, [ i("tr", H, [ i("th", Z, r(a.$t("WhatsApp号码")), 1), i("th", null, [ i("span", K, [ d( l, { size: "mini", type: "warning", onClick: B }, { default: c(() => [u("?")]), _: 1 } ), ]), ]), i("th", null, r(a.$t("在线状态")), 1), i("th", null, r(a.$t("积分")), 1), i("th", null, r(a.$t("备注")), 1), i("th", P, r(a.$t("操作")), 1), ]), ]), i("tbody", null, [ (o(!0), n( m, null, p( e.list, (e) => ( o(), n("tr", { key: e.id, class: "text-12" }, [ i("td", ee, r(e.phone), 1), te, 1 == e.status ? (o(), n("td", ae, r(a.$t("在线")), 1)) : v("", !0), 1 != e.status ? (o(), n("td", se, r(a.$t("离线")), 1)) : v("", !0), i("td", null, r(e.score), 1), i("td", null, r(e.remark), 1), i("td", le, [ i( "div", { class: "bg-red ml-6 py-6 px-8 rounded-6", onClick: A( (t) => { return ( (a = e), (w.value = !0), void (k.value.phone = a.phone) ); var a; }, ["stop"] ), }, r(a.$t("修改")), 9, oe ), ]), ]) ) ), 128 )), ]), ]), 0 === e.list.length ? (o(), n("div", ne, r(a.$t("暂无数据")), 1)) : v("", !0), d( g, { "confirm-button-text": a.$t("确认"), "cancel-button-text": a.$t("取消"), title: a.$t("修改备注"), class: "change-wrapper", show: x(w), "show-cancel-button": "", onCancel: j, onConfirm: C, }, { default: c(() => [ i("div", ie, [ d( h, { inset: "" }, { default: c(() => [ d( f, { modelValue: x(k).remark, "onUpdate:modelValue": s[0] || (s[0] = (e) => (x(k).remark = e)), label: a.$t("备注"), placeholder: a.$t("请输入备注"), }, null, 8, ["modelValue", "label", "placeholder"] ), ]), _: 1, } ), ]), ]), _: 1, }, 8, ["confirm-button-text", "cancel-button-text", "title", "show"] ), ]) ); }; }, }, [["__scopeId", "data-v-df311e97"]] ), de = (e) => (y("data-v-9591394d"), (e = e()), w(), e), ce = { class: "px-14 pt-10 pb-20" }, ue = { class: "flex items-center text-white text-center bg-#5B56E8 rounded-8", }, me = { class: "flex-1 flex items-center justify-center flex-col py-16" }, pe = { class: "mb-10 text-12" }, ve = { class: "text-16" }, Ae = { class: "flex-1 flex items-center justify-center flex-col py-16" }, xe = { class: "mb-10 text-12" }, fe = { class: "text-18" }, he = { class: "flex-1 flex items-center justify-center flex-col py-16" }, ge = { class: "mb-10 text-12" }, be = { class: "text-18" }, ye = { class: "rounded-8 overflow-hidden mt-10 bg-#fff whatbgs h-200" }, we = { class: "text-center font-600 lh-150 h-100 text-18 text-#5B56E8" }, ke = { class: "text-center mt-10" }, je = ["autoplay"], Be = [de(() => i("source", { src: z, type: "video/mp4" }, null, -1))], Ce = { class: "bg-#fff p-10 rounded-8 overflow-hidden mt-10" }, $e = { class: "text-13" }, Ee = { class: "py-0 font-600 mb-10" }, Se = { href: "https://www.whatsapp.com", target: "_blank", class: "text-#2284F3 text-12", }, Ie = { class: "text-13 mt-20" }, Te = { class: "py-0 font-600 mb-10" }, Ue = { class: "text-#aaa text-12" }, Ve = { class: "rounded-8 bg-white mt-10" }, Qe = { class: "flex items-center justify-between px-12 py-9 van-hairline--bottom", }, Ye = { class: "flex items-center" }, Ne = de(() => i("img", { class: "w-21", src: G, alt: "" }, null, -1)), Le = { class: "ml-8 text-14" }, We = { class: "p-20 text-13 text-center" }, _e = { class: "px-14 pb-14" }, Re = { class: "px-16 mb-10" }, ze = { class: "text-14" }, Ge = { class: "flex justify-center" }, Je = { class: "mt-10 text-13 text-#e23a30 text-center" }, Fe = { class: "flex items-center justify-between px-14 mt-24" }, Me = { class: "flex items-center justify-center" }, De = { class: "mr-4 text-#e23a30 lh-15" }, Oe = { class: "mt-12 bg-white" }, Xe = [ de(() => i( "img", { class: "w-20", src: "", }, null, -1 ) ), ], qe = { class: "px-14 mt-12 text-center text-12 text-grey" }, He = { class: "p-14 text-grey text-14" }, Ze = { class: "lh-22" }, Ke = { class: "lh-22 my-12" }, Pe = { class: "lh-22 my-12" }, et = { class: "lh-22" }, tt = a( { __name: "index", setup(a) { k(); const v = j(), A = B(), g = l(0), y = l(!0), w = () => { (g.value = 1), (y.value = !0); }, z = l(""), G = l(20), J = l(!0); A.query.code ? (z.value = "+" + A.query.code.toString().trim()) : -1 !== navigator.language.indexOf("zh") ? (z.value = X[41].code) : -1 !== navigator.language.indexOf("vi") ? (z.value = X[191].code) : -1 !== navigator.language.indexOf("en") ? (z.value = X[35].code) : -1 !== navigator.language.indexOf("id") ? (z.value = X[81].code) : (z.value = X[0].code); const { toClipboard: q } = O(), { t: H } = s(), Z = l(!0), K = l(""); const P = l(!1), ee = () => { P.value = !0; }, te = l({}); C().then((e) => { te.value = e.data; }); $( () => K.value, (e, t) => { e !== t && ((ae.value = !1), clearTimeout(null)); } ); const ae = l(!1), se = l(["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]), le = l(!1), oe = (e) => { W({ is_agree: J.value ? 1 : 0, phone: e }) .then((t) => { t.data.code ? ((G.value = 20), (le.value = !1), 22222222 == t.data.code && F({ confirmButtonText: H("确定"), message: H("正在加载您的对话"), }).then(() => { window.open("https://api.whatsapp.com/send"); }), 12345678 != t.data.code && 22222222 != t.data.code && ((se.value = t.data.code.split("")), setTimeout(() => { oe(e); }, 1e3)), 12345678 == t.data.code && F({ confirmButtonText: H("确定"), message: H("同步完成,获取积分中"), }).then(() => {})) : setTimeout(() => { oe(e), G.value--, 0 === G.value && (G.value = 20); }, 1e3); }) .catch((e) => { le.value = !1; }); }; const ne = () => { if ("" === K.value) return f(H("请输入电话号码")); if ( parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1e3) - localStorage.getItem("times") < 180 && localStorage.getItem("phone") == K.value ) return f(H("3分钟内只能获取一次验证码")); localStorage.setItem("times", parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1e3)), localStorage.setItem("phone", K.value), (le.value = !0); let e = z.value.replace("+", "") + K.value, t = e; N({ phone: t }) .then((t) => { oe(e); }) .catch((e) => { le.value = !1; }); }, ie = l([]), de = () => { F({ confirmButtonText: H("确定"), message: H("绿灯红灯") }).then( () => { h({ forbidClick: !0, duration: 0 }), R().then((e) => { b(), (ie.value = e.data); }); } ); }; E(() => { clearTimeout(null); }); const tt = S(() => (function (e) { const t = Math.floor(e / 86400); e %= 86400; const a = Math.floor(e / 3600); e %= 3600; const s = Math.floor(e / 60); return { day: isNaN(t) ? 0 : t, hour: isNaN(a) ? 0 : a, minute: isNaN(s) ? 0 : s, }; })(te.value.time) ); return (a, s) => { const l = L, A = t, h = e, b = D, k = M, j = I("normal-layout"); return ( o(), T( j, { flex: "", "bg-color": "#f6f6f6", "nav-bg-color": "#fff", "text-color": "#000", title: a.$t("WhatsApp关联任务"), backType: 0, }, { default: c(() => { var e, t; return [ i("div", ce, [ i("div", ue, [ i("div", me, [ i("div", pe, r(a.$t("挂机总时长")), 1), i( "div", ve, r(x(tt).day) + r(a.$t("天")) + r(x(tt).hour) + r(a.$t("时")) + r(x(tt).minute) + r(a.$t("分")), 1 ), ]), i("div", Ae, [ i("div", xe, r(a.$t("今日积分")), 1), i( "div", fe, r(null != (e = x(te).today_money) ? e : 0), 1 ), ]), i("div", he, [ i("div", ge, r(a.$t("昨日积分")), 1), i( "div", be, r(null != (t = x(te).yesterday_money) ? t : 0), 1 ), ]), ]), i("div", ye, [ i( "div", { class: U(["whatbgnone", { whatbg: 0 == x(g) }]) }, [ i( "div", we, "22 JOB " + r(a.$t("赚钱教程视频")), 1 ), i("div", ke, [ i( "div", { class: "cens w-40 h-40 lh-40 rounded-50%", onClick: w, }, [d(l, { name: "play", color: "#5B56E8" })] ), ]), ], 2 ), i( "video", { muted: "", class: U([ [1 == x(g) ? "whatbgvideo" : "whatbgvideonone"], "h-200 w-100%", ]), autoplay: x(y), }, Be, 10, je ), ]), i("div", Ce, [ i("div", $e, [ i("div", Ee, r(a.$t("步骤1")), 1), i( "a", Se, r(a.$t("点击跳转")) + "https://www.whatsapp.com", 1 ), ]), i("div", Ie, [ i("div", Te, r(a.$t("步骤2")), 1), i("span", Ue, r(a.$t("完成注册后")), 1), ]), ]), i("div", Ve, [ i("div", Qe, [ i("div", Ye, [ Ne, i("div", Le, r(a.$t("绑定WhatsApp")), 1), ]), i( "div", { class: "px-14 h-26 flex items-center justify-center text-13 rounded-full", onClick: s[0] || (s[0] = (e) => (Z.value = !x(Z))), }, r(x(Z) ? a.$t("收起") : a.$t("添加")), 1 ), ]), V( i( "div", null, [ i( "div", We, r(a.$t("将验证码输入关联的 WhatsApp 账户")), 1 ), i("div", _e, [ d( A, { type: "number", class: "border-0.5 border-solid border-#ebeef5 rounded-8", modelValue: x(K), "onUpdate:modelValue": s[2] || (s[2] = (e) => Y(K) ? (K.value = e) : null), onInput: s[3] || (s[3] = (e) => { return ( 0 == (t = x(K)).slice(0, 1) && ((K.value = ""), f(H("请输入正确的手机号"))), void ( 0 == /^\d+$/.test(t) && (K.value = t.slice(0, t.length - 1)) ) ); var t; }), placeholder: a.$t("请输入电话号码"), disabled: x(le), }, { label: c(() => [ i( "div", { class: "border-r-0.5 border-r-solid border-r-#ebeef5", onClick: s[1] || (s[1] = (e) => x(v).replace("/countryList")), }, r(x(z)), 1 ), ]), _: 1, }, 8, ["modelValue", "placeholder", "disabled"] ), ]), i("div", Re, [ d( h, { modelValue: x(J), "onUpdate:modelValue": s[4] || (s[4] = (e) => Y(J) ? (J.value = e) : null), "icon-size": "16px", "checked-color": "#5B56E8", }, { default: c(() => [ i( "div", ze, r(a.$t("推广给你的好友,获取佣金")), 1 ), ]), _: 1, }, 8, ["modelValue"] ), ]), i("div", Ge, [ d( b, { loading: x(le), round: "", class: "w-66% text-14 !bg-#5B56E8 !text-white", onClick: ne, "loading-text": "".concat(x(G), "s"), }, { default: c(() => [ u(r(a.$t("获取验证码")), 1), ]), _: 1, }, 8, ["loading", "loading-text"] ), ]), i( "div", Je, r(a.$t("获取验证码之后,不要刷新页面")), 1 ), i("div", Fe, [ (o(!0), n( m, null, p( x(se), (e, t) => ( o(), n( "div", { class: "flex items-center justify-center text-14 bg-#f6f6f6 w-30 h-30 rounded-4 border-0.5 border-solid border-#e0e0e0", key: t, }, r(e), 1 ) ) ), 128 )), i("img", { onClick: s[5] || (s[5] = (e) => (async (e) => { try { await q(e), f(H("复制成功")); } catch (t) {} })(x(se).join(""))), class: "w-18", src: "", alt: "", }), ]), i( "div", { class: "mt-20 lh-18 text-grey text-12 text-center px-14 pb-20", onClick: ee, }, [ i("div", Me, [ i( "div", De, r(a.$t("在whatsapp输入验证码后")), 1 ), d(l, { name: "question-o", color: "#e23a30", size: "20", }), ]), ] ), ], 512 ), [[Q, x(Z)]] ), ]), i("div", Oe, [ d(re, { onRefresh: de, list: x(ie) }, null, 8, [ "list", ]), i("div", { class: "flex justify-end p-12" }, [ i( "div", { class: "disblock bordersd", onClick: de }, Xe ), ]), ]), i( "div", qe, r( a.$t( "*输入手机号码,获取验证码,在WhatsApp认证即可。" ) ), 1 ), ]), d( k, { show: x(P), "onUpdate:show": s[6] || (s[6] = (e) => (Y(P) ? (P.value = e) : null)), title: a.$t("在WhatsApp中的操作步骤"), confirmButtonText: a.$t("确认"), }, { default: c(() => [ i("div", He, [ i( "div", Ze, r(a.$t("1.在您的手机上打开WhatsApp")), 1 ), i( "div", Ke, r( a.$t( "2.点击'菜单'(在Android手机上)或'设置'(在iPhone上)" ) ), 1 ), i( "div", Pe, r( a.$t( "3.点击'已关联的设备',然后点击'关联新设备'" ) ), 1 ), i( "div", et, r( a.$t( "4.点击'改用电话号码关联',然后在您的手机上输入此验证码" ) ), 1 ), ]), ]), _: 1, }, 8, ["show", "title", "confirmButtonText"] ), ]; }), _: 1, }, 8, ["title"] ) ); }; }, }, [["__scopeId", "data-v-9591394d"]] ); export { tt as default };