import { _ as e, a } from "./inactive-62bbd674.js"; import { a as l, aV as t, j as n, aC as o, m as s, p as i, o as r, f as d, e as c, r as f, t as u, i as m, h as v, F as g, bs as p, bt as h, } from "./index-476be0bb.js"; var C = { name: "Name", tel: "Phone", save: "Save", clear: "Clear", cancel: "Cancel", confirm: "Confirm", delete: "Delete", loading: "Loading...", noCoupon: "No coupons", nameEmpty: "Please fill in the name", addContact: "Add contact", telInvalid: "Malformed phone number", vanCalendar: { end: "End", start: "Start", title: "Calendar", weekdays: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], monthTitle: (e, a) => "".concat(e, "/").concat(a), rangePrompt: (e) => "Choose no more than ".concat(e, " days"), }, vanCascader: { select: "Select" }, vanPagination: { prev: "Previous", next: "Next" }, vanPullRefresh: { pulling: "Pull to refresh...", loosing: "Loose to refresh...", }, vanSubmitBar: { label: "Total:" }, vanCoupon: { unlimited: "Unlimited", discount: (e) => "".concat(10 * e, "% off"), condition: (e) => "At least ".concat(e), }, vanCouponCell: { title: "Coupon", count: (e) => "You have ".concat(e, " coupons"), }, vanCouponList: { exchange: "Exchange", close: "Close", enable: "Available", disabled: "Unavailable", placeholder: "Coupon code", }, vanAddressEdit: { area: "Area", areaEmpty: "Please select a receiving area", addressEmpty: "Address can not be empty", addressDetail: "Address", defaultAddress: "Set as the default address", }, vanAddressList: { add: "Add new address" }, }; const y = { class: "p-15" }, b = ["onClick"], k = { class: "flex items-center justify-between py-8 relative item" }, w = { class: "text-13 text-black" }, x = { key: 0, class: "w-17 ml-13", src: e, alt: "" }, A = { key: 1, class: "w-17 ml-13", src: a, alt: "" }, S = { __name: "index", props: { color: { type: String, default: "#fff" } }, setup(e) { const a = { zhCN: { lang: "zh-CN", value: h }, en: { lang: "en-US", value: C }, }, { locale: S, t: _ } = l(), E = t(); n(!1); let N = n([ { title: "简体中文", id: 2, off: 0, key: "zh-CN", image: new URL( "../../assets/images/language/zh-CN.png", self.location ), }, { title: "English", id: 1, off: 0, key: "en", image: new URL( "../../assets/images/language/en-US.png", self.location ), }, ]); "zhCN" == E.language ? ((N._rawValue[0].off = 1), (N._rawValue[1].off = 0)) : ((N._rawValue[0].off = 0), (N._rawValue[1].off = 1)); const P = n(!1), L = [ { title: _("简体中文"), id: 2 }, { title: "English", id: 1 }, ], V = n(L[1]); return (e, l) => { const t = o("normal-layout"); return ( r(), s( t, { flex: "", "bg-color": "#f6f6f6", "nav-bg-color": "#fff", "text-color": "#000", title: e.$t("语言设置"), backType: 0, }, { default: i(() => [ d("div", y, [ (r(!0), c( g, null, f( v(N), (e, l) => ( r(), c( "div", { key:, onClick: (l) => ((e) => { for (let a in N._rawValue) N._rawValue[a].off = 0; ( = 1), (S.value = e.key), (V.value = e.key), E.setLanguage(e.key), (P.value = !1), p.use(a[e.key].lang, a[e.key].value); })(e), class: "relative px-12 py-5 van-hairline--bottom bg-#fff rounded-8 mb-10", }, [ d("div", k, [ d("div", w, u(e.title), 1), d("div", null, [ 1 == ? (r(), c("img", x)) : m("", !0), 0 == ? (r(), c("img", A)) : m("", !0), ]), ]), ], 8, b ) ) ), 128 )), ]), ]), _: 1, }, 8, ["title"] ) ); }; }, }; export { S as default };