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2025-02-13 08:26:53 +08:00
* Specification:
* W3C Working Draft 3 April 2012
"use strict";
/*jshint node:true */
var simpleMethods, simpleRequestHeaders, simpleResponseHeaders, toLowerCase, checkOriginMatch;
// A method is said to be a simple method if it is a case-sensitive match for one of the following:
Object.defineProperty(exports, "simpleMethods", {
get: function () {
return [
simpleMethods = exports.simpleMethods;
// A header is said to be a simple header if the header field name is an ASCII case-insensitive match for one of
// the following:
Object.defineProperty(exports, "simpleRequestHeaders", {
get: function () {
return [
simpleRequestHeaders = exports.simpleRequestHeaders;
// A header is said to be a simple response header if the header field name is an ASCII case-insensitive
// match for one of the following:
Object.defineProperty(exports, "simpleResponseHeaders", {
get: function () {
return [
simpleResponseHeaders = exports.simpleResponseHeaders;
toLowerCase = function (array) {
return (el) {
return el.toLowerCase();
checkOriginMatch = function (originHeader, origins, callback) {
if (typeof origins === "function") {
origins(originHeader, function (err, allow) {
callback(err, allow);
} else if (origins.length > 0) {
callback(null, origins.some(function (origin) {
return origin === originHeader;
} else {
// Always matching is acceptable since the list of origins can be unbounded.
callback(null, true);
exports.create = function (options) {
options = options || {}; = || [];
options.methods = options.methods || simpleMethods;
if (options.hasOwnProperty("requestHeaders") === true) {
options.requestHeaders = toLowerCase(options.requestHeaders);
} else {
options.requestHeaders = simpleRequestHeaders;
if (options.hasOwnProperty("responseHeaders") === true) {
options.responseHeaders = toLowerCase(options.responseHeaders);
} else {
options.responseHeaders = simpleResponseHeaders;
options.maxAge = options.maxAge || null;
options.supportsCredentials = options.supportsCredentials || false;
if (options.hasOwnProperty("endPreflightRequests") === false) {
options.endPreflightRequests = true;
return function (req, res, next) {
var methodMatches, headersMatch, requestMethod, requestHeaders, exposedHeaders, endPreflight;
// If the Origin header is not present terminate this set of steps.
if (!req.headers.hasOwnProperty("origin")) {
// The request is outside the scope of the CORS specification. If there is no Origin header,
// it could be a same-origin request. Let's let the user-agent handle this situation.
} else {
// If the value of the Origin header is not a case-sensitive match for any of the values in
// list of origins, do not set any additional headers and terminate this set of steps.
checkOriginMatch(req.headers.origin,, function (err, originMatches) {
if (err !== null) {
} else {
if (typeof originMatches !== "boolean" || originMatches === false) {
} else {
// Respond to preflight request.
if (req.method === "OPTIONS") {
endPreflight = function () {
if (options.endPreflightRequests === true) {
} else {
// If there is no Access-Control-Request-Method header or if parsing failed, do not set
// any additional headers and terminate this set of steps.
if (!req.headers.hasOwnProperty("access-control-request-method")) {
} else {
requestMethod = req.headers["access-control-request-method"];
// If there are no Access-Control-Request-Headers headers let header field-names be the
// empty list. If parsing failed do not set any additional headers and terminate this set
// of steps.
// Checking for an empty header is a workaround for a bug Chrome 52:
if (req.headers.hasOwnProperty("access-control-request-headers") && req.headers["access-control-request-headers"] !== "") {
requestHeaders = toLowerCase(req.headers["access-control-request-headers"].split(/,\s*/));
} else {
requestHeaders = [];
// If method is not a case-sensitive match for any of the values in list of methods do not
// set any additional headers and terminate this set of steps.
methodMatches = options.methods.indexOf(requestMethod) !== -1;
if (methodMatches === false) {
} else {
// If any of the header field-names is not a ASCII case-insensitive match for any of
// the values in list of headers do not set any additional headers and terminate this
// set of steps.
headersMatch = requestHeaders.every(function (requestHeader) {
// Browsers automatically add Origin to Access-Control-Request-Headers. However,
// Origin is not one of the simple request headers. Therefore, the header is
// accepted even if it is not in the list of request headers because CORS would
// not work without it.
if (requestHeader === "origin") {
return true;
} else {
if (options.requestHeaders.indexOf(requestHeader) !== -1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if (headersMatch === false) {
} else {
if (options.supportsCredentials === true) {
// If the resource supports credentials add a single Access-Control-Allow-Origin
// header, with the value of the Origin header as value, and add a single
// Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header with the literal string "true"
// as value.
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.headers.origin);
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
} else {
// Otherwise, add a single Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, with either the
// value of the Origin header or the string "*" as value.
if ( > 0 || typeof === "function") {
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.headers.origin);
} else {
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
// Optionally add a single Access-Control-Max-Age header with as value the amount
// of seconds the user agent is allowed to cache the result of the request.
if (options.maxAge !== null) {
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Max-Age", options.maxAge);
// Add one or more Access-Control-Allow-Methods headers consisting of (a subset
// of) the list of methods.
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", options.methods.join(","));
// Add one or more Access-Control-Allow-Headers headers consisting of (a subset
// of) the list of headers.
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", options.requestHeaders.join(","));
// And out.
} else {
if (options.supportsCredentials === true) {
// If the resource supports credentials add a single Access-Control-Allow-Origin header,
// with the value of the Origin header as value, and add a single
// Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header with the literal string "true" as value.
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.headers.origin);
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
} else {
// Otherwise, add a single Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, with either the value of
// the Origin header or the literal string "*" as value.
// If the list of origins is empty, use "*" as value.
if ( > 0 || typeof === "function") {
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.headers.origin);
} else {
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
// If the list of exposed headers is not empty add one or more Access-Control-Expose-Headers
// headers, with as values the header field names given in the list of exposed headers.
exposedHeaders = options.responseHeaders.filter(function (optionsResponseHeader) {
return simpleResponseHeaders.indexOf(optionsResponseHeader) === -1;
if (exposedHeaders.length > 0) {
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", exposedHeaders.join(","));
// And out.