
1018 lines
23 KiB

package services
import (
. "tinyrdm/backend/storage"
maputil "tinyrdm/backend/utils/map"
mathutil "tinyrdm/backend/utils/math"
redis2 "tinyrdm/backend/utils/redis"
type cmdHistoryItem struct {
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
Server string `json:"server"`
Cmd string `json:"cmd"`
Cost int64 `json:"cost"`
type connectionService struct {
ctx context.Context
conns *ConnectionsStorage
connMap map[string]connectionItem
cmdHistory []cmdHistoryItem
type connectionItem struct {
rdb *redis.Client
ctx context.Context
cancelFunc context.CancelFunc
type keyItem struct {
Type string `json:"t"`
var connection *connectionService
var onceConnection sync.Once
func Connection() *connectionService {
if connection == nil {
onceConnection.Do(func() {
connection = &connectionService{
conns: NewConnections(),
connMap: map[string]connectionItem{},
return connection
func (c *connectionService) Start(ctx context.Context) {
c.ctx = ctx
func (c *connectionService) Stop(ctx context.Context) {
for _, item := range c.connMap {
if item.rdb != nil {
c.connMap = map[string]connectionItem{}
func (c *connectionService) TestConnection(host string, port int, username, password string) (resp types.JSResp) {
rdb := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port),
Username: username,
Password: password,
defer rdb.Close()
if _, err := rdb.Ping(c.ctx).Result(); err != nil && err != redis.Nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
} else {
resp.Success = true
// ListConnection list all saved connection in local profile
func (c *connectionService) ListConnection() (resp types.JSResp) {
resp.Success = true
resp.Data = c.conns.GetConnections()
// GetConnection get connection profile by name
func (c *connectionService) GetConnection(name string) (resp types.JSResp) {
conn := c.conns.GetConnection(name)
resp.Success = conn != nil
resp.Data = conn
// SaveConnection save connection config to local profile
func (c *connectionService) SaveConnection(name string, param types.ConnectionConfig) (resp types.JSResp) {
var err error
if len(name) > 0 {
// update connection
err = c.conns.UpdateConnection(name, param)
} else {
err = c.conns.CreateConnection(param)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
} else {
resp.Success = true
// DeleteConnection remove connection by name
func (c *connectionService) DeleteConnection(name string) (resp types.JSResp) {
err := c.conns.DeleteConnection(name)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
resp.Success = true
// SaveSortedConnection save sorted connection after drag
func (c *connectionService) SaveSortedConnection(sortedConns types.Connections) (resp types.JSResp) {
err := c.conns.SaveSortedConnection(sortedConns)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
resp.Success = true
// CreateGroup create a new group
func (c *connectionService) CreateGroup(name string) (resp types.JSResp) {
err := c.conns.CreateGroup(name)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
resp.Success = true
// RenameGroup rename group
func (c *connectionService) RenameGroup(name, newName string) (resp types.JSResp) {
err := c.conns.RenameGroup(name, newName)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
resp.Success = true
// DeleteGroup remove a group by name
func (c *connectionService) DeleteGroup(name string, includeConn bool) (resp types.JSResp) {
err := c.conns.DeleteGroup(name, includeConn)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
resp.Success = true
// OpenConnection open redis server connection
func (c *connectionService) OpenConnection(name string) (resp types.JSResp) {
rdb, ctx, err := c.getRedisClient(name, 0)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
// get total databases
config, err := rdb.ConfigGet(ctx, "databases").Result()
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
totaldb, err := strconv.Atoi(config["database"])
if err != nil {
totaldb = 16
// get database info
res, err := rdb.Info(ctx, "keyspace").Result()
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = "get server info fail:" + err.Error()
// Parse all db, response content like below
var dbs []types.ConnectionDB
info := c.parseInfo(res)
for i := 0; i < totaldb; i++ {
dbName := "db" + strconv.Itoa(i)
dbInfoStr := info["Keyspace"][dbName]
if len(dbInfoStr) > 0 {
dbInfo := c.parseDBItemInfo(dbInfoStr)
dbs = append(dbs, types.ConnectionDB{
Name: dbName,
Keys: dbInfo["keys"],
Expires: dbInfo["expires"],
AvgTTL: dbInfo["avg_ttl"],
} else {
dbs = append(dbs, types.ConnectionDB{
Name: dbName,
resp.Success = true
resp.Data = map[string]any{
"db": dbs,
// CloseConnection close redis server connection
func (c *connectionService) CloseConnection(name string) (resp types.JSResp) {
item, ok := c.connMap[name]
if ok {
delete(c.connMap, name)
if item.rdb != nil {
resp.Success = true
// get redis client from local cache or create a new open
// if db >= 0, will also switch to db index
func (c *connectionService) getRedisClient(connName string, db int) (*redis.Client, context.Context, error) {
item, ok := c.connMap[connName]
var rdb *redis.Client
var ctx context.Context
if ok {
rdb, ctx = item.rdb, item.ctx
} else {
selConn := c.conns.GetConnection(connName)
if selConn == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no match connection \"%s\"", connName)
rdb = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", selConn.Addr, selConn.Port),
Username: selConn.Username,
Password: selConn.Password,
DialTimeout: time.Duration(selConn.ConnTimeout) * time.Second,
ReadTimeout: time.Duration(selConn.ExecTimeout) * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: time.Duration(selConn.ExecTimeout) * time.Second,
rdb.AddHook(redis2.NewHook(connName, func(cmd string, cost int64) {
now := time.Now()
//last := strings.LastIndex(cmd, ":")
//if last != -1 {
// cmd = cmd[:last]
c.cmdHistory = append(c.cmdHistory, cmdHistoryItem{
Timestamp: now.UnixMilli(),
Server: connName,
Cmd: cmd,
Cost: cost,
if _, err := rdb.Ping(c.ctx).Result(); err != nil && err != redis.Nil {
return nil, nil, errors.New("can not connect to redis server:" + err.Error())
var cancelFunc context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancelFunc = context.WithCancel(c.ctx)
c.connMap[connName] = connectionItem{
rdb: rdb,
ctx: ctx,
cancelFunc: cancelFunc,
if db >= 0 {
if err := rdb.Do(ctx, "select", strconv.Itoa(db)).Err(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return rdb, ctx, nil
// parse command response content which use "redis info"
// # Keyspace\r\ndb0:keys=2,expires=1,avg_ttl=1877111749\r\ndb1:keys=33,expires=0,avg_ttl=0\r\ndb3:keys=17,expires=0,avg_ttl=0\r\ndb5:keys=3,expires=0,avg_ttl=0\r\n
func (c *connectionService) parseInfo(info string) map[string]map[string]string {
parsedInfo := map[string]map[string]string{}
lines := strings.Split(info, "\r\n")
if len(lines) > 0 {
var subInfo map[string]string
for _, line := range lines {
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") {
subInfo = map[string]string{}
parsedInfo[strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimLeft(line, "#"))] = subInfo
} else {
items := strings.SplitN(line, ":", 2)
if len(items) < 2 {
subInfo[items[0]] = items[1]
return parsedInfo
// parse db item value, content format like below
// keys=2,expires=1,avg_ttl=1877111749
func (c *connectionService) parseDBItemInfo(info string) map[string]int {
ret := map[string]int{}
items := strings.Split(info, ",")
for _, item := range items {
kv := strings.SplitN(item, "=", 2)
if len(kv) > 1 {
ret[kv[0]], _ = strconv.Atoi(kv[1])
return ret
// ServerInfo get server info
func (c *connectionService) ServerInfo(name string) (resp types.JSResp) {
rdb, ctx, err := c.getRedisClient(name, 0)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
// get database info
res, err := rdb.Info(ctx).Result()
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = "get server info fail:" + err.Error()
resp.Success = true
resp.Data = c.parseInfo(res)
// OpenDatabase open select database, and list all keys
// @param path contain connection name and db name
func (c *connectionService) OpenDatabase(connName string, db int, match string, keyType string) (resp types.JSResp) {
return c.ScanKeys(connName, db, match, keyType)
// ScanKeys scan all keys
func (c *connectionService) ScanKeys(connName string, db int, match, keyType string) (resp types.JSResp) {
rdb, ctx, err := c.getRedisClient(connName, db)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
filterType := len(keyType) > 0
var keys []string
//keys := map[string]keyItem{}
var cursor uint64
for {
var loadedKey []string
if filterType {
loadedKey, cursor, err = rdb.ScanType(ctx, cursor, match, 10000, keyType).Result()
} else {
loadedKey, cursor, err = rdb.Scan(ctx, cursor, match, 10000).Result()
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
keys = append(keys, loadedKey...)
//for _, k := range loadedKey {
// //t, _ := rdb.Type(ctx, k).Result()
// keys[k] = keyItem{Type: "t"}
//keys = append(keys, loadedKey...)
// no more loadedKey
if cursor == 0 {
resp.Success = true
resp.Data = map[string]any{
"keys": keys,
// GetKeyValue get value by key
func (c *connectionService) GetKeyValue(connName string, db int, key string) (resp types.JSResp) {
rdb, ctx, err := c.getRedisClient(connName, db)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
var keyType string
var dur time.Duration
keyType, err = rdb.Type(ctx, key).Result()
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
if keyType == "none" {
resp.Msg = "key not exists"
var ttl int64
if dur, err = rdb.TTL(ctx, key).Result(); err != nil {
ttl = -1
} else {
if dur < 0 {
ttl = -1
} else {
ttl = int64(dur.Seconds())
var value any
var cursor uint64
switch strings.ToLower(keyType) {
case "string":
value, err = rdb.Get(ctx, key).Result()
case "list":
value, err = rdb.LRange(ctx, key, 0, -1).Result()
case "hash":
//value, err = rdb.HGetAll(ctx, key).Result()
items := map[string]string{}
for {
var loadedVal []string
loadedVal, cursor, err = rdb.HScan(ctx, key, cursor, "*", 10000).Result()
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
for i := 0; i < len(loadedVal); i += 2 {
items[loadedVal[i]] = loadedVal[i+1]
if cursor == 0 {
value = items
case "set":
//value, err = rdb.SMembers(ctx, key).Result()
items := []string{}
for {
var loadedKey []string
loadedKey, cursor, err = rdb.SScan(ctx, key, cursor, "*", 10000).Result()
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
items = append(items, loadedKey...)
if cursor == 0 {
value = items
case "zset":
//value, err = rdb.ZRangeWithScores(ctx, key, 0, -1).Result()
var items []types.ZSetItem
for {
var loadedVal []string
loadedVal, cursor, err = rdb.ZScan(ctx, key, cursor, "*", 10000).Result()
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
var score float64
for i := 0; i < len(loadedVal); i += 2 {
if score, err = strconv.ParseFloat(loadedVal[i+1], 64); err == nil {
items = append(items, types.ZSetItem{
Value: loadedVal[i],
Score: score,
if cursor == 0 {
value = items
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
resp.Success = true
resp.Data = map[string]any{
"type": keyType,
"ttl": ttl,
"value": value,
// SetKeyValue set value by key
func (c *connectionService) SetKeyValue(connName string, db int, key, keyType string, value any, ttl int64) (resp types.JSResp) {
rdb, ctx, err := c.getRedisClient(connName, db)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
var expiration time.Duration
if ttl < 0 {
expiration = redis.KeepTTL
} else {
expiration = time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second
switch strings.ToLower(keyType) {
case "string":
if str, ok := value.(string); !ok {
resp.Msg = "invalid string value"
} else {
_, err = rdb.Set(ctx, key, str, expiration).Result()
case "list":
if strs, ok := value.([]any); !ok {
resp.Msg = "invalid list value"
} else {
_, err = rdb.Pipelined(ctx, func(pipe redis.Pipeliner) error {
pipe.LPush(ctx, key, strs...)
if expiration > 0 {
pipe.Expire(ctx, key, expiration)
return nil
case "hash":
if strs, ok := value.([]any); !ok {
resp.Msg = "invalid hash value"
} else {
if len(strs) > 1 {
kvs := map[string]any{}
for i := 0; i < len(strs); i += 2 {
kvs[strs[i].(string)] = strs[i+1]
err = rdb.HSet(ctx, key, kvs).Err()
if err == nil && expiration > 0 {
rdb.Expire(ctx, key, expiration)
case "set":
if strs, ok := value.([]any); !ok || len(strs) <= 0 {
resp.Msg = "invalid set value"
} else {
if len(strs) > 0 {
err = rdb.SAdd(ctx, key, strs...).Err()
if err == nil && expiration > 0 {
rdb.Expire(ctx, key, expiration)
case "zset":
if strs, ok := value.([]any); !ok || len(strs) <= 0 {
resp.Msg = "invalid zset value"
} else {
if len(strs) > 1 {
var members []redis.Z
for i := 0; i < len(strs); i += 2 {
score, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(strs[i+1].(string), 64)
members = append(members, redis.Z{
Score: score,
Member: strs[i],
err = rdb.ZAdd(ctx, key, members...).Err()
if err == nil && expiration > 0 {
rdb.Expire(ctx, key, expiration)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
resp.Success = true
resp.Data = map[string]any{
"value": value,
// SetHashValue set hash field
func (c *connectionService) SetHashValue(connName string, db int, key, field, newField, value string) (resp types.JSResp) {
rdb, ctx, err := c.getRedisClient(connName, db)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
var removedField []string
updatedField := map[string]string{}
if len(field) <= 0 {
// old filed is empty, add new field
_, err = rdb.HSet(ctx, key, newField, value).Result()
updatedField[newField] = value
} else if len(newField) <= 0 {
// new field is empty, delete old field
_, err = rdb.HDel(ctx, key, field, value).Result()
removedField = append(removedField, field)
} else if field == newField {
// replace field
_, err = rdb.HSet(ctx, key, newField, value).Result()
updatedField[newField] = value
} else {
// remove old field and add new field
if _, err = rdb.HDel(ctx, key, field).Result(); err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
_, err = rdb.HSet(ctx, key, newField, value).Result()
removedField = append(removedField, field)
updatedField[newField] = value
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
resp.Success = true
resp.Data = map[string]any{
"removed": removedField,
"updated": updatedField,
// AddHashField add or update hash field
func (c *connectionService) AddHashField(connName string, db int, key string, action int, fieldItems []any) (resp types.JSResp) {
rdb, ctx, err := c.getRedisClient(connName, db)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
updated := map[string]any{}
switch action {
case 1:
// ignore duplicated fields
for i := 0; i < len(fieldItems); i += 2 {
_, err = rdb.HSetNX(ctx, key, fieldItems[i].(string), fieldItems[i+1]).Result()
if err == nil {
updated[fieldItems[i].(string)] = fieldItems[i+1]
// overwrite duplicated fields
_, err = rdb.HSet(ctx, key, fieldItems...).Result()
for i := 0; i < len(fieldItems); i += 2 {
updated[fieldItems[i].(string)] = fieldItems[i+1]
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
resp.Success = true
resp.Data = map[string]any{
"updated": updated,
// AddListItem add item to list or remove from it
func (c *connectionService) AddListItem(connName string, db int, key string, action int, items []any) (resp types.JSResp) {
rdb, ctx, err := c.getRedisClient(connName, db)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
var leftPush, rightPush []any
switch action {
case 0:
// push to head
_, err = rdb.LPush(ctx, key, items...).Result()
leftPush = append(leftPush, items...)
// append to tail
_, err = rdb.RPush(ctx, key, items...).Result()
rightPush = append(rightPush, items...)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
resp.Success = true
resp.Data = map[string]any{
"left": leftPush,
"right": rightPush,
// SetListItem update or remove list item by index
func (c *connectionService) SetListItem(connName string, db int, key string, index int64, value string) (resp types.JSResp) {
rdb, ctx, err := c.getRedisClient(connName, db)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
var removed []int64
updated := map[int64]string{}
if len(value) <= 0 {
// remove from list
err = rdb.LSet(ctx, key, index, "---VALUE_REMOVED_BY_TINY_RDM---").Err()
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
err = rdb.LRem(ctx, key, 1, "---VALUE_REMOVED_BY_TINY_RDM---").Err()
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
removed = append(removed, index)
} else {
// replace index value
err = rdb.LSet(ctx, key, index, value).Err()
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
updated[index] = value
resp.Success = true
resp.Data = map[string]any{
"removed": removed,
"updated": updated,
// SetSetItem add members to set or remove from set
func (c *connectionService) SetSetItem(connName string, db int, key string, remove bool, members []any) (resp types.JSResp) {
rdb, ctx, err := c.getRedisClient(connName, db)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
if remove {
_, err = rdb.SRem(ctx, key, members...).Result()
} else {
_, err = rdb.SAdd(ctx, key, members...).Result()
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
resp.Success = true
// UpdateSetItem replace member of set
func (c *connectionService) UpdateSetItem(connName string, db int, key, value, newValue string) (resp types.JSResp) {
rdb, ctx, err := c.getRedisClient(connName, db)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
_, _ = rdb.SRem(ctx, key, value).Result()
_, err = rdb.SAdd(ctx, key, newValue).Result()
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
resp.Success = true
// UpdateZSetValue update value of sorted set member
func (c *connectionService) UpdateZSetValue(connName string, db int, key, value, newValue string, score float64) (resp types.JSResp) {
rdb, ctx, err := c.getRedisClient(connName, db)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
updated := map[string]any{}
var removed []string
if len(newValue) <= 0 {
// blank new value, delete value
_, err = rdb.ZRem(ctx, key, value).Result()
if err == nil {
removed = append(removed, value)
} else if newValue == value {
// update score only
_, err = rdb.ZAdd(ctx, key, redis.Z{
Score: score,
Member: value,
} else {
// remove old value and add new one
_, err = rdb.ZRem(ctx, key, value).Result()
if err == nil {
removed = append(removed, value)
_, err = rdb.ZAdd(ctx, key, redis.Z{
Score: score,
Member: newValue,
if err == nil {
updated[newValue] = score
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
resp.Success = true
resp.Data = map[string]any{
"updated": updated,
"removed": removed,
// AddZSetValue add item to sorted set
func (c *connectionService) AddZSetValue(connName string, db int, key string, action int, valueScore map[string]float64) (resp types.JSResp) {
rdb, ctx, err := c.getRedisClient(connName, db)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
members := maputil.ToSlice(valueScore, func(k string) redis.Z {
return redis.Z{
Score: valueScore[k],
Member: k,
switch action {
case 1:
// ignore duplicated fields
_, err = rdb.ZAddNX(ctx, key, members...).Result()
// overwrite duplicated fields
_, err = rdb.ZAdd(ctx, key, members...).Result()
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
resp.Success = true
// SetKeyTTL set ttl of key
func (c *connectionService) SetKeyTTL(connName string, db int, key string, ttl int64) (resp types.JSResp) {
rdb, ctx, err := c.getRedisClient(connName, db)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
var expiration time.Duration
if ttl < 0 {
if err = rdb.Persist(ctx, key).Err(); err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
} else {
expiration = time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second
if err = rdb.Expire(ctx, key, expiration).Err(); err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
resp.Success = true
// DeleteKey remove redis key
func (c *connectionService) DeleteKey(connName string, db int, key string) (resp types.JSResp) {
rdb, ctx, err := c.getRedisClient(connName, db)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
var deletedKeys []string
if strings.HasSuffix(key, "*") {
// delete by prefix
var cursor uint64
for {
var loadedKey []string
if loadedKey, cursor, err = rdb.Scan(ctx, cursor, key, 10000).Result(); err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
} else {
if err = rdb.Del(ctx, loadedKey...).Err(); err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
} else {
deletedKeys = append(deletedKeys, loadedKey...)
// no more loadedKey
if cursor == 0 {
} else {
// delete key only
_, err = rdb.Del(ctx, key).Result()
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
deletedKeys = append(deletedKeys, key)
resp.Success = true
resp.Data = map[string]any{
"deleted": deletedKeys,
// RenameKey rename key
func (c *connectionService) RenameKey(connName string, db int, key, newKey string) (resp types.JSResp) {
rdb, ctx, err := c.getRedisClient(connName, db)
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
_, err = rdb.RenameNX(ctx, key, newKey).Result()
if err != nil {
resp.Msg = err.Error()
resp.Success = true
func (c *connectionService) GetCmdHistory(pageNo, pageSize int) (resp types.JSResp) {
resp.Success = true
if pageSize <= 0 || pageNo <= 0 {
// return all history
resp.Data = map[string]any{
"list": c.cmdHistory,
"pageNo": 1,
"pageSize": -1,
} else {
total := len(c.cmdHistory)
startIndex := total / pageSize * (pageNo - 1)
endIndex := mathutil.Min(startIndex+pageSize, total)
resp.Data = map[string]any{
"list": c.cmdHistory[startIndex:endIndex],
"pageNo": pageNo,
"pageSize": pageSize,
// update or insert key info to database
//func (c *connectionService) updateDBKey(connName string, db int, keys []string, separator string) {
// dbStruct := map[string]any{}
// for _, key := range keys {
// keyPart := strings.Split(key, separator)
// prefixLen := len(keyPart)-1
// if prefixLen > 0 {
// for i := 0; i < prefixLen; i++ {
// if dbStruct[keyPart[i]]
// keyPart[i]
// }
// }
// log.Println("key", key)
// }