package main import ( "context" "embed" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" runtime2 "" "runtime" "tinyrdm/backend/consts" "tinyrdm/backend/services" ) //go:embed all:frontend/dist var assets embed.FS //go:embed build/appicon.png var icon []byte var version = "0.0.0" var gaMeasurementID, gaSecretKey string const appName = "Tiny RDM" func main() { os.Setenv("LANG", "zh_CN.UTF-8") // Create an instance of the app structure sysSvc := services.System() connSvc := services.Connection() browserSvc := services.Browser() cliSvc := services.Cli() monitorSvc := services.Monitor() pubsubSvc := services.Pubsub() prefSvc := services.Preferences() prefSvc.SetAppVersion(version) prefSvc.UpdateEnv() windowWidth, windowHeight, maximised := prefSvc.GetWindowSize() windowStartState := options.Normal if maximised { windowStartState = options.Maximised } // menu isMacOS := runtime.GOOS == "darwin" appMenu := menu.NewMenu() if isMacOS { appMenu.Append(menu.AppMenu()) appMenu.Append(menu.EditMenu()) appMenu.Append(menu.WindowMenu()) } // Create application with options err := wails.Run(&options.App{ Title: appName, Width: windowWidth, Height: windowHeight, MinWidth: consts.MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH, MinHeight: consts.MIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT, WindowStartState: windowStartState, Frameless: !isMacOS, Menu: appMenu, EnableDefaultContextMenu: true, AssetServer: &assetserver.Options{ Assets: assets, }, BackgroundColour: options.NewRGBA(255, 255, 255, 0), StartHidden: true, OnStartup: func(ctx context.Context) { sysSvc.Start(ctx, version) connSvc.Start(ctx) browserSvc.Start(ctx) cliSvc.Start(ctx) monitorSvc.Start(ctx) pubsubSvc.Start(ctx) services.GA().SetSecretKey(gaMeasurementID, gaSecretKey) services.GA().Startup(version) }, OnDomReady: func(ctx context.Context) { x, y := prefSvc.GetWindowPosition(ctx) runtime2.WindowSetPosition(ctx, x, y) runtime2.WindowShow(ctx) }, OnBeforeClose: func(ctx context.Context) (prevent bool) { x, y := runtime2.WindowGetPosition(ctx) prefSvc.SaveWindowPosition(x, y) return false }, OnShutdown: func(ctx context.Context) { browserSvc.Stop() cliSvc.CloseAll() monitorSvc.StopAll() pubsubSvc.StopAll() }, Bind: []interface{}{ sysSvc, connSvc, browserSvc, cliSvc, monitorSvc, pubsubSvc, prefSvc, }, Mac: &mac.Options{ TitleBar: mac.TitleBarHiddenInset(), About: &mac.AboutInfo{ Title: fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", appName, version), Message: "A modern lightweight cross-platform Redis desktop client.\n\nCopyright © 2024", Icon: icon, }, WebviewIsTransparent: false, WindowIsTranslucent: false, }, Windows: &windows.Options{ WebviewIsTransparent: false, WindowIsTranslucent: false, DisableFramelessWindowDecorations: false, }, Linux: &linux.Options{ ProgramName: appName, Icon: icon, WebviewGpuPolicy: linux.WebviewGpuPolicyOnDemand, WindowIsTranslucent: true, }, }) if err != nil { println("Error:", err.Error()) } }