pref: add a tooltip if the type filter is not supported (#274)

This commit is contained in:
Lykin 2024-07-03 22:34:07 +08:00
parent 410dcd9e57
commit fdfd04d4bf
13 changed files with 62 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import { computed, h } from 'vue'
import { NSpace, useThemeVars } from 'naive-ui'
import { types, typesBgColor, typesColor, typesShortName } from '@/consts/support_redis_type.js'
import { get, map, toUpper } from 'lodash'
import { get, isEmpty, map, toUpper } from 'lodash'
import RedisTypeTag from '@/components/common/RedisTypeTag.vue'
const props = defineProps({
@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ const props = defineProps({
type: Boolean,
default: false,
disableTip: {
type: String,
default: '',
const emit = defineEmits(['update:value', 'select'])
@ -86,24 +90,42 @@ const handleSelect = (select) => {
:color="{ color: backgroundColor, textColor: fontColor }"
<template v-if="props.disabled">
<n-tooltip :disabled="isEmpty(props.disableTip)">
<div>{{ props.disableTip }}</div>
<template #trigger>
:color="{ color: backgroundColor, textColor: fontColor }"
{{ displayValue }}
<template v-else>
{{ displayValue }}
:color="{ color: backgroundColor, textColor: fontColor }"
{{ displayValue }}
<style lang="scss" scoped>

View File

@ -209,8 +209,6 @@ watch(() => data.value?.keyPath, initContent)
<!-- FIXME: keep alive may cause virtual list null value error. -->
<!-- <keep-alive v-else> -->
@ -226,7 +224,9 @@ watch(() => data.value?.keyPath, initContent)

View File

@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ watch(
@update:value="onSelectFilterType" />

View File

@ -812,6 +812,7 @@ defineExpose({
:filter="(pattern, node) => includes(node.redisKey, pattern)"
@ -822,7 +823,6 @@ defineExpose({

View File

@ -331,7 +331,8 @@
"set_key_filter": "Set Key Filter",
"filter_pattern": "Pattern",
"filter_pattern_tip": "Filter by directly input, and scan by press 'Enter'.\n\n* matches 0 or more chars, e.g. 'key*' \n? matches single char, e.g. 'key?'\n[] matches range, e.g. 'key[1-3]'\n\\ escapes special chars",
"exact_match_tip": "Exact Match"
"exact_match_tip": "Exact Match",
"filter_type_not_support": "Type filtering is not supported for Redis 5.x and below."
"export": {
"name": "Export Data",

View File

@ -331,7 +331,8 @@
"set_key_filter": "Establecer filtro de clave",
"filter_pattern": "Patrón",
"filter_pattern_tip": "Filtre la lista actual ingresando directamente, y escanee el servidor presionando 'Ingresar'.\n\n* coincide con 0 o más caracteres, ej. 'key*'\n? coincide con un carácter, ej. 'key?'\n[] coincide con un rango, ej. 'key[1-3]'\n\\ escapa caracteres especiales",
"exact_match_tip": "Coincidencia exacta"
"exact_match_tip": "Coincidencia exacta",
"filter_type_not_support": "El filtrado por tipo no es compatible con Redis 5.x y versiones anteriores"
"export": {
"name": "Exportar datos",

View File

@ -331,7 +331,8 @@
"set_key_filter": "Définir le filtre de clé",
"filter_pattern": "Modèle",
"filter_pattern_tip": "Filtrez la liste actuelle en saisissant directement, et scannez le serveur en appuyant sur 'Entrée'.\n\n* correspond à 0 ou plusieurs caractères, ex : 'key*'\n? correspond à un seul caractère, ex : 'key?'\n[] correspond à une plage, ex : 'key[1-3]' échappe les caractères spéciaux",
"exact_match_tip": "Correspondance exacte"
"exact_match_tip": "Correspondance exacte",
"filter_type_not_support": "Le filtrage par type nest pas pris en charge pour Redis 5.x et les versions antérieures"
"export": {
"name": "Exporter les données",

View File

@ -331,7 +331,8 @@
"set_key_filter": "キーフィルターを設定",
"filter_pattern": "パターン",
"filter_pattern_tip": "直接入力して現在のリストをフィルタリングし、Enterキーを押すとサーバーをスキャンできます。\n\n*0文字以上にマッチ。例\"key*\"は\"key\"で始まるすべてのキーにマッチ\n?1文字にマッチ。例\"key?\"は\"key1\"、\"key2\"にマッチ\n[ ]指定範囲の1文字にマッチ。例\"key[1-3]\"は\"key1\"、\"key2\"、\"key3\"にマッチ\n\\:エスケープ文字。*、?、[、]をリテラルとして解釈したい場合は\"\\ \"をつける",
"exact_match_tip": "完全一致"
"exact_match_tip": "完全一致",
"filter_type_not_support": "タイプフィルタリングは、Redis 5.x 以前のバージョンには対応していません"
"export": {
"name": "データをエクスポート",

View File

@ -331,7 +331,8 @@
"set_key_filter": "키 필터 설정",
"filter_pattern": "패턴",
"filter_pattern_tip": "직접 입력하여 현재 목록을 필터링하고, Enter키를 누르면 서버를 스캔할 수 있습니다.\n\n* 0개 이상의 문자 일치, 예) 'key*'\n? 단일 문자 일치, 예) 'key?'\n[] 범위 일치, 예) 'key[1-3]'\n\\ 특수문자 이스케이프",
"exact_match_tip": "완전 일치"
"exact_match_tip": "완전 일치",
"filter_type_not_support": "타입 필터링은 Redis 5.x 및 이전 버전을 지원하지 않습니다"
"export": {
"name": "데이터 내보내기",

View File

@ -331,7 +331,8 @@
"set_key_filter": "Definir Filtro de Chave",
"filter_pattern": "Padrão",
"filter_pattern_tip": "Filtre a lista atual inserindo diretamente, e escaneie o servidor pressionando 'Enter'.\n\n* corresponde a 0 ou mais caracteres, ex: 'chave*'\n? corresponde a um único caractere, ex: 'chave?'\n[] corresponde a um intervalo, ex: 'chave[1-3]'\n\\ escapa caracteres especiais",
"exact_match_tip": "Correspondência Exata"
"exact_match_tip": "Correspondência Exata",
"filter_type_not_support": "A filtragem por tipo não é suportada para Redis 5.x e versões anteriores"
"export": {
"name": "Exportar Dados",

View File

@ -331,7 +331,8 @@
"set_key_filter": "Установить фильтр ключей",
"filter_pattern": "Шаблон",
"filter_pattern_tip": "Отфильтруйте текущий список, введя напрямую, и выполните сканирование сервера, нажав 'Enter'.\n\n* соответствует 0 или более символов, напр. 'key*'\n? соответствует одному символу, напр. 'key?'\n[] соответствует диапазону, напр. 'key[1-3]'\n\\ экранирует спецсимволы",
"exact_match_tip": "Точное совпадение"
"exact_match_tip": "Точное совпадение",
"filter_type_not_support": "Фильтрация по типу не поддерживается для Redis версии 5.x и ниже"
"export": {
"name": "Экспорт данных",

View File

@ -331,7 +331,8 @@
"set_key_filter": "设置键过滤器",
"filter_pattern": "过滤表达式",
"filter_pattern_tip": "直接输入筛选当前列表,回车后可对服务器进行扫描。\n\n *:匹配零个或多个字符。例如:\"key*\"匹配到以\"key\"开头的所有键\n?:匹配单个字符。例如:\"key?\"匹配\"key1\"、\"key2\"\n[ ]:匹配指定范围内的单个字符。例如:\"key[1-3]\"可以匹配类似于 \"key1\"、\"key2\"、\"key3\" 的键\n\\:转义字符。如果想要匹配 *、?、[、或],需要使用反斜杠\"\\\"进行转义",
"exact_match_tip": "完全匹配"
"exact_match_tip": "完全匹配",
"filter_type_not_support": "类型筛选不支持 Redis 5.x 及以下版本"
"export": {
"name": "导出数据",

View File

@ -331,7 +331,8 @@
"set_key_filter": "設定鍵過濾器",
"filter_pattern": "過濾表示式",
"filter_pattern_tip": "直接鍵入篩選目前清單按Enter鍵後可對伺服器進行掃描。\n\n*:匹配零個或多個字元。例如:\"key*\"匹配到以\"key\"開頭的所有鍵\n?:匹配單個字元。例如:\"key?\"匹配\"key1\", \"key2\"\n[ ]:匹配指定範圍內的單個字元。例如:\"key[1-3]\"可以匹配類似於 \"key1\", \"key2\", \"key3\" 的鍵\n\\:轉義字元。如果想要匹配 *, ?, [, 或],需要使用反斜線\"\\\"進行轉義",
"exact_match_tip": "精準匹配"
"exact_match_tip": "精準匹配",
"filter_type_not_support": "類型篩選不支援 Redis 5.x 以下版本"
"export": {
"name": "匯出資料",