refactor: add node map to store all tree node by tree key, improve speed add and delete node

refactor: improve speed of load all tree node
This commit is contained in:
tiny-craft 2023-07-07 02:23:33 +08:00
parent 9cd0d34c5d
commit f85b381992
4 changed files with 141 additions and 111 deletions

View File

@ -266,6 +266,10 @@ const onLoadTree = async (node) => {
loading.value = false
case ConnectionType.RedisKey:
// load all children
// node.children = []

View File

@ -323,7 +323,6 @@ const handleDrop = ({ node, dragNode, dropPosition }) => {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
import { endsWith, findIndex, get, isEmpty, last, remove, size, sortedIndexBy, split, uniq } from 'lodash'
import { endsWith, findIndex, get, isEmpty, last, size, split, uniq } from 'lodash'
import {
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import {
} from '../../wailsjs/go/services/connectionService.js'
import { ConnectionType } from '../consts/connection_type.js'
import useTabStore from './tab.js'
import { nextTick } from 'vue'
const separator = ':'
@ -51,18 +50,28 @@ const useConnectionStore = defineStore('connections', {
* @property {number} type
* @property {number} [db] - database index, type == ConnectionType.RedisDB only
* @property {number} keys
* @property {boolean} [isLeaf]
* @property {boolean} [opened] - redis db is opened, type == ConnectionType.RedisDB only
* @property {boolean} [expanded] - current node is expanded
* @typedef {Object} ConnectionState
* @property {string[]} groups
* @property {Object.<string, DatabaseItem[]>} databases
* @property {ConnectionItem[]} connections
* @property {Object.<string, Map<string, DatabaseItem>>} nodeMap key format likes 'server#db', children key format likes 'key#type'
* @returns {{groups: string[], databases: Object<string, DatabaseItem[]>, connections: ConnectionItem[]}}
* @returns {ConnectionState}
state: () => ({
groups: [], // all group name set
connections: [], // all connections
databases: {}, // all databases in opened connections group by server name
nodeMap: {}, // all node in opened connections group by server+db and key+type
getters: {
anyConnectionOpened() {
@ -384,15 +393,16 @@ const useConnectionStore = defineStore('connections', {
throw new Error(msg)
const { keys = [] } = data
if (isEmpty(keys)) {
const dbs = this.databases[connName]
dbs[db].children = []
dbs[db].opened = true
if (isEmpty(keys)) {
dbs[db].children = []
// append db node to current connection's children
this._updateNodeChildren(connName, db, keys)
this._addKeyNodes(connName, db, keys)
@ -405,6 +415,8 @@ const useConnectionStore = defineStore('connections', {
const dbs = this.databases[connName]
dbs[db].children = undefined
dbs[db].isLeaf = false
delete this.nodeMap[`${connName}#${db}`]
@ -473,7 +485,8 @@ const useConnectionStore = defineStore('connections', {
// remove current keys below prefix
this._deleteKeyNodes(connName, db, prefix)
this._updateNodeChildren(connName, db, keys)
this._addKeyNodes(connName, db, keys)
@ -513,85 +526,99 @@ const useConnectionStore = defineStore('connections', {
* @param {string[]} keys
* @private
_updateNodeChildren(connName, db, keys) {
// find match key node in node list
const findNodeByKey = (nodes, key) => {
const idx = findIndex(nodes, { key })
return idx !== -1 ? nodes[idx] : null
// insert child to children list by order
const sortedInsertChild = (childrenList, item) => {
const insertIdx = sortedIndexBy(childrenList, item, 'key')
childrenList.splice(insertIdx, 0, item)
// childrenList.push(item)
// update all node item's children num
const updateChildrenNum = (node) => {
let count = 0
const totalChildren = size(node.children)
if (totalChildren > 0) {
for (const elem of node.children) {
count += elem.keys
} else {
count += 1
node.keys = count
// node.children = sortBy(node.children, 'label')
_addKeyNodes(connName, db, keys) {
const dbs = this.databases[connName]
if (dbs[db].children == null) {
dbs[db].children = []
const keyStruct = dbs[db].children
if (this.nodeMap[`${connName}#${db}`] == null) {
this.nodeMap[`${connName}#${db}`] = new Map()
// construct tree node list, the format of item key likes 'server/db#type/key'
const nodeMap = this.nodeMap[`${connName}#${db}`]
const rootChildren = dbs[db].children
let count = 0
for (const key of keys) {
const keyPart = split(key, separator)
// const prefixLen = size(keyPart) - 1
const len = size(keyPart)
const lastIdx = len - 1
let handlePath = ''
let ks = keyStruct
let children = rootChildren
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
handlePath += keyPart[i]
if (i !== len - 1) {
if (i !== lastIdx) {
// layer
const curKey = `${connName}/db${db}/${handlePath}@${ConnectionType.RedisKey}`
let selectedNode = findNodeByKey(ks, curKey)
const nodeKey = `#${ConnectionType.RedisKey}/${handlePath}`
let selectedNode = nodeMap.get(nodeKey)
if (selectedNode == null) {
selectedNode = {
key: curKey,
key: `${connName}/db${db}${nodeKey}`,
label: keyPart[i],
name: connName,
keys: 0,
redisKey: handlePath,
type: ConnectionType.RedisKey,
isLeaf: false,
children: [],
sortedInsertChild(ks, selectedNode)
nodeMap.set(nodeKey, selectedNode)
ks = selectedNode.children
children = selectedNode.children
handlePath += separator
} else {
// key
const curKey = `${connName}/db${db}/${handlePath}@${ConnectionType.RedisValue}`
const nodeKey = `#${ConnectionType.RedisValue}/${handlePath}`
const selectedNode = {
key: curKey,
key: `${connName}/db${db}${nodeKey}`,
label: keyPart[i],
name: connName,
keys: 0,
redisKey: handlePath,
type: ConnectionType.RedisValue,
isLeaf: true,
sortedInsertChild(ks, selectedNode)
nodeMap.set(nodeKey, selectedNode)
console.log('count:', ++count)
dbs[db].opened = true
* @param {DatabaseItem[]} nodeList
* @private
_sortNodes(nodeList) {
nodeList.sort((a, b) => {
return a.key > b.key ? 1 : -1
* sort all node item's children and calculate keys count
* @param node
* @private
_tidyNodeChildren(node) {
let count = 0
const totalChildren = size(node.children)
if (totalChildren > 0) {
for (const elem of node.children) {
count += elem.keys
} else {
count += 1
node.keys = count
@ -626,13 +653,13 @@ const useConnectionStore = defineStore('connections', {
const treeKey = get(nodeList[j], 'key')
const isLast = j >= len - 1
const keyType = isLastKeyPart ? ConnectionType.RedisValue : ConnectionType.RedisKey
const currentKey = `${connName}/db${db}/${redisKey}@${keyType}`
if (treeKey > currentKey || isLast) {
const curKey = `${connName}/db${db}#${keyType}/${redisKey}`
if (treeKey > curKey || isLast) {
// out of search range, add new item
if (isLastKeyPart) {
// key not exists, add new one
const item = {
key: currentKey,
key: curKey,
label: keyPart[i],
name: connName,
@ -649,7 +676,7 @@ const useConnectionStore = defineStore('connections', {
} else {
// layer not exists, add new one
const item = {
key: currentKey,
key: curKey,
label: keyPart[i],
name: connName,
@ -669,7 +696,7 @@ const useConnectionStore = defineStore('connections', {
added = true
} else if (treeKey === currentKey) {
} else if (treeKey === curKey) {
if (isLastKeyPart) {
// same key exists, do nothing
console.log('TODO: same key exist, do nothing now, should replace value later')
@ -716,7 +743,9 @@ const useConnectionStore = defineStore('connections', {
const { data, success, msg } = await SetKeyValue(connName, db, key, keyType, value, ttl)
if (success) {
// update tree view data
this._addKey(connName, db, key)
// this._addKey(connName, db, key)
this._addKeyNodes(connName, db, [key])
return { success }
} else {
return { success, msg }
@ -1069,61 +1098,49 @@ const useConnectionStore = defineStore('connections', {
const descendantChain = [dbDetail]
const keyPart = split(key, separator)
let redisKey = ''
const keyLen = size(keyPart)
let deleted = false
let forceBreak = false
for (let i = 0; i < keyLen && !forceBreak; i++) {
redisKey += keyPart[i]
const node = last(descendantChain)
const nodeList = get(node, 'children', [])
const len = size(nodeList)
const isLastKeyPart = i === keyLen - 1
for (let j = 0; j < len; j++) {
const treeKey = get(nodeList[j], 'key')
const keyType = isLastKeyPart ? ConnectionType.RedisValue : ConnectionType.RedisKey
const currentKey = `${connName}/db${db}/${redisKey}@${keyType}`
if (treeKey > currentKey) {
// out of search range, target not exists
forceBreak = true
} else if (treeKey === currentKey) {
if (isLastKeyPart) {
// find target
nodeList.splice(j, 1)
node.keys -= 1
deleted = true
forceBreak = true
const nodeMap = this.nodeMap[`${connName}#${db}`]
if (nodeMap == null) {
const idx = key.lastIndexOf(separator)
let parentNode = null
let parentKey = ''
if (idx === -1) {
// root
parentNode = dbDetail
} else {
// find into it's children
redisKey += separator
parentKey = key.substring(0, idx)
parentNode = nodeMap.get(`#${ConnectionType.RedisKey}/${parentKey}`)
if (forceBreak) {
if (parentNode == null || parentNode.children == null) {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(descendantChain))
// update ancestor node's info
if (deleted) {
const desLen = size(descendantChain)
for (let i = desLen - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const children = get(descendantChain[i], 'children', [])
const parent = descendantChain[i - 1]
if (isEmpty(children)) {
const parentChildren = get(parent, 'children', [])
const k = get(descendantChain[i], 'key')
remove(parentChildren, (item) => item.key === k)
// remove children
const delIdx = findIndex(parentNode.children, { redisKey: key })
if (delIdx !== -1) {
const childKeys = parentNode.children[delIdx].keys || 1
parentNode.children.splice(delIdx, 1)
parentNode.keys = Math.max(parentNode.keys - childKeys, 0)
parent.keys -= 1
// also remove parent node if no more children
while (isEmpty(parentNode.children)) {
const idx = parentKey.lastIndexOf(separator)
if (idx !== -1) {
parentKey = parentKey.substring(0, idx)
parentNode = nodeMap.get(`#${ConnectionType.RedisKey}/${parentKey}`)
if (parentNode != null) {
parentNode.keys = (parentNode.keys || 1) - 1
parentNode.children = []
} else {
// reach root, remove from db
const delIdx = findIndex(dbDetail.children, { redisKey: parentKey })
dbDetail.keys = (dbDetail.keys || 1) - 1
dbDetail.children.splice(delIdx, 1)
@ -1169,11 +1186,17 @@ const useConnectionStore = defineStore('connections', {
const { data, success, msg } = await DeleteKey(connName, db, prefix)
if (success) {
const { deleted: keys = [] } = data
for (const key of keys) {
await this._deleteKeyNode(connName, db, key)
await nextTick()
// const { deleted: keys = [] } = data
// for (const key of keys) {
// await this._deleteKeyNode(connName, db, key)
// }
if (endsWith(prefix, '*')) {
prefix = prefix.substring(0, prefix.length - 1)
if (endsWith(prefix, separator)) {
prefix = prefix.substring(0, prefix.length - 1)
await this._deleteKeyNode(connName, db, prefix)
return true
} finally {

View File

@ -107,6 +107,10 @@ body {
gap: 10px;
.n-tree-node-content__text {
@extend .ellipsis;
.context-menu-item {
min-width: 100px;
padding-right: 10px;