perf: ttl value will use unit 'day' when above 1 day #122

This commit is contained in:
Lykin 2024-01-18 15:16:19 +08:00
parent 022ee20eed
commit 42fa24debd
1 changed files with 11 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ import IconButton from '@/components/common/IconButton.vue'
import Copy from '@/components/icons/Copy.vue'
import { ClipboardSetText } from 'wailsjs/runtime/runtime.js'
import { computed, onUnmounted, reactive, watch } from 'vue'
import { padStart } from 'lodash'
import { NIcon, useThemeVars } from 'naive-ui'
import { timeout } from '@/utils/promise.js'
import AutoRefreshForm from '@/components/common/AutoRefreshForm.vue'
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
const props = defineProps({
server: String,
@ -54,20 +54,19 @@ const binaryKey = computed(() => {
const ttlString = computed(() => {
let s = ''
if (props.ttl > 0) {
const hours = Math.floor(props.ttl / 3600)
s += padStart(hours + ':', 3, '0')
const minutes = Math.floor((props.ttl % 3600) / 60)
s += padStart(minutes + ':', 3, '0')
const seconds = Math.floor(props.ttl % 60)
s += padStart(seconds + '', 2, '0')
const dur = dayjs.duration(props.ttl, 'seconds')
const days = dur.days()
if (days > 0) {
return days + i18n.t('common.unit_day') + ' ' + dur.format('HH:mm:ss')
} else {
return dur.format('HH:mm:ss')
} else if (props.ttl < 0) {
s = '-1'
return i18n.t('interface.forever')
} else {
s = '00:00:00'
return '00:00:00'
return s
const startAutoRefresh = async () => {
@ -165,7 +164,7 @@ const onTTL = () => {
<template #icon>
<n-icon :component="Timer" size="18" />
{{ ttlString === '-1' ? $t('interface.forever') : ttlString }}
{{ ttlString }}
TTL{{ `${ttl > 0 ? ': ' + ttl + $t('common.second') : ''}` }}