import { defineStore } from 'pinia' import { lang } from '@/langs/index.js' import { cloneDeep, findIndex, get, isEmpty, join, map, merge, pick, set, some, split } from 'lodash' import { CheckForUpdate, GetFontList, GetPreferences, RestorePreferences, SetPreferences, } from 'wailsjs/go/services/preferencesService.js' import { BrowserOpenURL } from 'wailsjs/runtime/runtime.js' import { i18nGlobal } from '@/utils/i18n.js' import { enUS, NButton, NSpace, useOsTheme, zhCN } from 'naive-ui' import { h, nextTick } from 'vue' import { compareVersion } from '@/utils/version.js' import { typesIconStyle } from '@/consts/support_redis_type.js' const osTheme = useOsTheme() const usePreferencesStore = defineStore('preferences', { /** * @typedef {Object} FontItem * @property {string} name * @property {string} path */ /** * @typedef {Object} Preferences * @property {Object} general * @property {Object} editor * @property {FontItem[]} fontList */ /** * * @returns {Preferences} */ state: () => ({ behavior: { asideWidth: 300, windowWidth: 0, windowHeight: 0, windowMaximised: false, }, general: { theme: 'auto', language: 'auto', font: '', fontFamily: [], fontSize: 14, scanSize: 3000, keyIconStyle: 0, useSysProxy: false, useSysProxyHttp: false, checkUpdate: true, skipVersion: '', }, editor: { font: '', fontFamily: [], fontSize: 14, showLineNum: true, showFolding: true, dropText: true, }, cli: { fontFamily: [], fontSize: 14, cursorStyle: 'block', }, decoder: [], lastPref: {}, fontList: [], }), getters: { getSeparator() { return ':' }, themeOption() { return [ { value: 'light', label: 'preferences.general.theme_light', }, { value: 'dark', label: 'preferences.general.theme_dark', }, { value: 'auto', label: 'preferences.general.theme_auto', }, ] }, /** * all available language * @returns {{label: string, value: string}[]} */ langOption() { const options = Object.entries(lang).map(([key, value]) => ({ value: key, label: value['name'], })) options.splice(0, 0, { value: 'auto', label: 'preferences.general.system_lang', }) return options }, /** * all system font list * @returns {{path: string, label: string, value: string}[]} */ fontOption() { return map(this.fontList, (font) => ({ value:, label:, path: font.path, })) }, /** * current font selection * @returns {{fontSize: string, fontFamily?: string}} */ generalFont() { const fontStyle = { fontSize: this.general.fontSize + 'px', } if (!isEmpty(this.general.fontFamily)) { fontStyle['fontFamily'] = join( map(this.general.fontFamily, (f) => `"${f}"`), ',', ) } // compatible with old preferences // if (isEmpty(fontStyle['fontFamily'])) { // if (!isEmpty(this.general.font) && this.general.font !== 'none') { // const font = find(this.fontList, { name: this.general.font }) // if (font != null) { // fontStyle['fontFamily'] = `${}` // } // } // } return fontStyle }, /** * current editor font * @return {{fontSize: string, fontFamily?: string}} */ editorFont() { const fontStyle = { fontSize: (this.editor.fontSize || 14) + 'px', } if (!isEmpty(this.editor.fontFamily)) { fontStyle['fontFamily'] = join( map(this.editor.fontFamily, (f) => `"${f}"`), ',', ) } // compatible with old preferences // if (isEmpty(fontStyle['fontFamily'])) { // if (!isEmpty(this.editor.font) && this.editor.font !== 'none') { // const font = find(this.fontList, { name: this.editor.font }) // if (font != null) { // fontStyle['fontFamily'] = `${}` // } // } // } if (isEmpty(fontStyle['fontFamily'])) { fontStyle['fontFamily'] = ['monaco'] } return fontStyle }, /** * current cli font * @return {{fontSize: string, fontFamily?: string}} */ cliFont() { const fontStyle = { fontSize: this.cli.fontSize || 14, } if (!isEmpty(this.cli.fontFamily)) { fontStyle['fontFamily'] = join( map(this.cli.fontFamily, (f) => `"${f}"`), ',', ) } if (isEmpty(fontStyle['fontFamily'])) { fontStyle['fontFamily'] = ['Courier New'] } return fontStyle }, cliCursorStyleOption() { return [ { value: 'block', label: 'preferences.cli.cursor_style_block', }, { value: 'underline', label: 'preferences.cli.cursor_style_underline', }, { value: 'bar', label: 'preferences.cli.cursor_style_bar', }, ] }, /** * get current language setting * @return {string} */ currentLanguage() { let lang = get(this.general, 'language', 'auto') if (lang === 'auto') { const systemLang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage lang = split(systemLang, '-')[0] } return lang || 'en' }, isDark() { const th = get(this.general, 'theme', 'auto') if (th !== 'auto') { return th === 'dark' } else { return osTheme.value === 'dark' } }, themeLocale() { const lang = this.currentLanguage switch (lang) { case 'zh': return zhCN default: return enUS } }, autoCheckUpdate() { return get(this.general, 'checkUpdate', false) }, showLineNum() { return get(this.editor, 'showLineNum', true) }, showFolding() { return get(this.editor, 'showFolding', true) }, dropText() { return get(this.editor, 'dropText', true) }, keyIconType() { return get(this.general, 'keyIconStyle', typesIconStyle.SHORT) }, }, actions: { _applyPreferences(data) { for (const key in data) { set(this, key, data[key]) } }, /** * load preferences from local * @returns {Promise} */ async loadPreferences() { const { success, data } = await GetPreferences() if (success) { this.lastPref = cloneDeep(data) this._applyPreferences(data) // default value const showLineNum = get(data, 'editor.showLineNum') if (showLineNum === undefined) { set(data, 'editor.showLineNum', true) } const showFolding = get(data, 'editor.showFolding') if (showFolding === undefined) { set(data, 'editor.showFolding', true) } const dropText = get(data, 'editor.dropText') if (dropText === undefined) { set(data, 'editor.dropText', true) } i18nGlobal.locale.value = this.currentLanguage } }, /** * load system font list * @returns {Promise} */ async loadFontList() { const { success, data } = await GetFontList() if (success) { const { fonts = [] } = data this.fontList = fonts } else { this.fontList = [] } return this.fontList }, /** * save preferences to local * @returns {Promise} */ async savePreferences() { const pf = pick(this, ['behavior', 'general', 'editor', 'cli', 'decoder']) const { success, msg } = await SetPreferences(pf) return success === true }, /** * reset to last-loaded preferences * @returns {Promise} */ async resetToLastPreferences() { if (!isEmpty(this.lastPref)) { this._applyPreferences(this.lastPref) } }, /** * restore preferences to default * @returns {Promise} */ async restorePreferences() { const { success, data } = await RestorePreferences() if (success === true) { const { pref } = data this._applyPreferences(pref) return true } return false }, /** * add a new custom decoder * @param {string} name * @param {boolean} enable * @param {boolean} auto * @param {string} encodePath * @param {string[]} encodeArgs * @param {string} decodePath * @param {string[]} decodeArgs */ addCustomDecoder({ name, enable = true, auto = true, encodePath, encodeArgs, decodePath, decodeArgs }) { if (some(this.decoder, { name })) { return false } this.decoder = this.decoder || [] this.decoder.push({ name, enable, auto, encodePath, encodeArgs, decodePath, decodeArgs }) return true }, /** * update an existing custom decoder * @param {string} newName * @param {boolean} enable * @param {boolean} auto * @param {string} name * @param {string} encodePath * @param {string[]} encodeArgs * @param {string} decodePath * @param {string[]} decodeArgs */ updateCustomDecoder({ newName, enable = true, auto = true, name, encodePath, encodeArgs, decodePath, decodeArgs, }) { const idx = findIndex(this.decoder, { name }) if (idx === -1) { return false } // conflicted if (newName !== name && some(this.decoder, { name: newName })) { return false } this.decoder[idx] = merge(this.decoder[idx], { name: newName || name, enable, auto, encodePath, encodeArgs, decodePath, decodeArgs, }) return true }, /** * remove an existing custom decoder * @param {string} name * @return {boolean} */ removeCustomDecoder(name) { const idx = findIndex(this.decoder, { name }) if (idx === -1) { return false } this.decoder.splice(idx, 1) return true }, async checkForUpdate(manual = false) { let msgRef = null if (manual) { msgRef = $message.loading(i18nGlobal.t('interface.retrieving_version'), { duration: 0 }) } try { const { success, data = {} } = await CheckForUpdate() if (success) { const { version = 'v1.0.0', latest, page_url: pageUrl } = data if ( (manual || latest > this.general.skipVersion) && compareVersion(latest, version) > 0 && !isEmpty(pageUrl) ) { const notiRef = ${ title: i18nGlobal.t('dialogue.upgrade.title'), content: i18nGlobal.t('dialogue.upgrade.new_version_tip', { ver: latest }), action: () => h('div', { class: 'flex-box-h flex-item-expand' }, [ h(NSpace, { wrapItem: false }, () => [ h( NButton, { size: 'small', secondary: true, onClick: () => { // skip this update this.general.skipVersion = latest this.savePreferences() notiRef.destroy() }, }, () => i18nGlobal.t('dialogue.upgrade.skip'), ), h( NButton, { size: 'small', secondary: true, onClick: notiRef.destroy, }, () => i18nGlobal.t('dialogue.upgrade.later'), ), h( NButton, { type: 'primary', size: 'small', secondary: true, onClick: () => BrowserOpenURL(pageUrl), }, () => i18nGlobal.t('dialogue.upgrade.download_now'), ), ]), ]), onPositiveClick: () => BrowserOpenURL(pageUrl), }) return } } if (manual) { $'dialogue.upgrade.no_update')) } } finally { nextTick().then(() => { if (msgRef != null) { msgRef.destroy() msgRef = null } }) } }, }, }) export default usePreferencesStore